Data Types and Exchange Rate Types

The Data Type determines how values are stored in account members, and the exchange rates used to calculate values. Available data types for account member values:

  • Currency - Stores and displays in the default currency.

  • Non-currency - Stores and displays as a numeric value.

  • Percentage - Stores a numeric value and displays as a percent.

  • Date - Displays as a date.

  • Text - Displays as text.

For accounts with the Currency data type, these are exchange rate types:

  • No Rate– Closing Balance of translated data is adjusted to an Ending Rate translation by calculating Foreign Exchange variation on Opening Balance and Movements.

  • Historical – Closing Balance accumulated as a weighted average of the translated movements with no net Foreign Exchange variation. Foreign Exchange variation is calculated but then transferred to Cumulative Translation Adjustment / Unrealized Gain or Loss on Translation.

  • Historical Amount Override – Override amounts can be entered and the account is otherwise treated as a Historical account.

  • Historical Rate Override – Override rates can be entered and the account is otherwise treated as a Historical account.


Ending Rate and Average Rate are both treated as No Rate whether the account is Flow or Balance.