
The Period dimension represents time periods, such as quarters and months. It contains time periods and frequencies by displaying the time periods in a hierarchy. For example, if the Actual scenario maintains data on a monthly basis, 12 periods of data are available for the year.

The system provides these options for the Period dimension:

  • 12-months. If you select 12-months, you must then specify the first period of the Fiscal Year. The default value is 12 months, with January as the beginning of the Fiscal Year. If you use 12 months, all periods default to the calendar months with period labels of January, February, March, and so on.

  • 13-period. If you select 13-periods, all periods default to period labels P1, P2, P3, and so on.

The system also creates Quarterly periods for both 12-month and 13-period options. You can create Half-Yearly periods during application creation.


Financial Consolidation and Close does not support Dynamic Time Series.

Depending on the fiscal year information, the system builds the Period hierarchy for the application.

To specify periods for an application, see Creating an Application.

Note: You cannot make any changes to the Period dimension or create any custom Period dimension members. The only editable property is member Alias.