Creating Target Attributes for Enterprise Journals

You specify attributes that are required for the export process in a target, and you can define custom attributes specific to your business requirements. The attributes may be constant in nature or available for mapping in the journal template. You can add, delete, import and export attributes, and arrange the order of the attributes.

Enterprise Journals provides seeded Attributes for the Cloud Financials target. If you are not using Cloud Financials, you must manually add Attributes.

To create target attributes:

  1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Enterprise Journals.

  2. Click the Targets tab on the left.

  3. Click New or Edit to open a target, then select the Attributes tab.

  4. To add an attribute, click Add.

  5. Enter a Name for the attribute.

  6. Select a Data Type for the attribute:

    If you selected Cloud Financials as the Target Type, the attributes and their types will be loaded by default. You may include or exclude them, and add or delete additional attributes as needed.

    These Data Types are supported:

    • Date - The default date is pre-loaded from your user preferences, but can be changed for the attribute.
    • Integer
    • Number - Note that numbers are always formatted with a decimal point.
    • Text
    • True/False
    • Yes/No

    After you associate a Target with a template, you cannot change the attribute Types.

  7. Required - Select whether the attribute is required.

    If you selected Cloud Financials as the Target Type, the required parameters are loaded by default

  8. Field Type - Select a field type for the attribute:

    • Debit
    • Credit
    • Amount


      You can run validations on Debit/Credit and Amounts total to ensure proper data entry. There are two validations – that is, the users can create Journals with a two column Debit Credit or a single column Amount. If the journal has Debit and Credit columns, the validation will ensure that:
      • The total of Debit and Credit columns should match. If it does not, you get the following error message when you run Validation: Debit Credit Total: Not Matched.
      • You cannot enter values to both Debit and Credit columns in a single row. It should be blank. If you enter values for both Debit and Credit columns in the same row, you get the following error message when you run Validation: Invalid Debit Credit Entry at row number <row#>. Enter either Debit or Credit.

      But, if the journal has a single Amount column, the validation will confirm that the total of Amount columns is 0. Otherwise, when you run Validation, the following message displays: Amount Total: Not Matched: Invalid Total. The total amount should be zero.

  9. Format - Select formatting properties, for example, select a date format (MM/DD/YYYY), or use the Default format.

  10. Set Value - From the drop-down list, select an attribute value:

    • Explicit

      If you select Explicit, enter a constant in the Value column.

    • Mapped

      If you select Mapped, the Value column will be available for mapping in the template.

    • System

      These System values can be explicity assigned for Set Values:

      • Year: Year of Journal collection
      • Period: Period of Journal collection
      • Start Date: Effective Start Date of Journal
      • End Date (Actual): Effective End Date
      • End Date: Current End Date as used in Journal Listings
      • Preparer Name: First Name / Last Name
      • Preparer User ID: Login ID
      • Journal ID: Journal Identifier
  11. Optional: To import attributes, click Import, then browse to select the CSV file, and click Import.

    The CSV file must have this format:

    Name,Datatype,Required,Format,Set Value,Value

    Example: Journal Name,Text,Yes,Default,Mapped,,

    The import option is Replace All, which replaces data with the data from the source file.

  12. Optional: To export attributes, click Export, and select a location for the export file.

  13. Optional: To arrange the attributes in the order to be exported to the ERP, use the Move to Top, Move Up, Move Down, and Move to Bottom icons.

  14. To delete an Attribute, select the Attribute and click Delete.

  15. Click Save and Close to save the Target.