Creating an Enterprise Journals Report Definition

Creating report definitions is the fourth step in generating reports. You can create reports from queries and assign them to groups. This allows other users to have access to the report.

To create report definitions:

  1. From the Home Page, click Application, and then select Non-Consolidation Reports.
  2. Select Reports, then select New.
  3. In New Report, enter:
    • Name

    • Description

    • Query - select a query.

    • Template

      Click Browse and then browse to a report template. You can upload any supported Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher template format. See Creating a Template.

    • Report Group

      Select the Group Name for the report from the drop-down menu.

    • Display to User

      Select if you want the report displayed to a user. For example, if a report is in progress, the user would clear this option.

    • Output Format

      Select a report output format that BI Publisher supports:

      • XLSX - Not supported for graphs
      • HTML - Not supported for graphs and charts
      • PDF
      • CSV - Does not use a template and is better at faster data retrieval
      • CSV (Formatted) - Best suited for a simple data table with formatted data and does not support images, graphics, or styling in the template.


      The CSV (Formatted) format takes additional time to generate the report to honor template formatting when compared to the CSV format. Therefore, you can select CSV to generate the data quickly or CSV (Formatted) to generate formatted template based data.

  4. To complete the report definition, you must set the parameters and access:
    1. For Parameters, select the Parameters tab.

      Parameters from the query are identified and added to the list. Update the following:

      • Display Name
      • Parameter Type - The available options are:

        • Task Manager/ Supplemental Data/ Enterprise Journal Attribute
        • Text
        • Date
        • Date/Time
        • Number
        • Query
        • Integer
        • True/False
        • Yes/No
        • User
      • Display To User - Deselect the check box if you do not want the parameter to be displayed and want the value to be used. You can use a single query to create multiple reports. In such scenarios, few parameters are hidden and values defined in the Parameters tab are used.
      • Attribute/Query - For Attributes, the drop-down lists the attributes for Task Manager. For Query, the drop-down lists all queries of the Parameter Type. This can be used to make parameters such as dynamic LOVs. See Creating a Task Manager Query
      • Parameter Value - The default value is displayed.
    2. For Access, select the Access tab.
    3. Select the Application Module and the Role from the drop-downs.


      The report must be granted access to at least one application module for the report to display in the corresponding Reports tab.

  5. Select Save and Close.