Example: Data Import File - Periodic View

You can import periodic data in a monthly frequency. Suppose the following data exists in the application for the Sales account:

Sales...Jan: 100, Feb: 150, Mar: 120

A data import file would have these rows. The first row is the required file Column Headers:

Period, Sales, Point-of-View, Data Load Cube Name
Jan, 100, "FCCS_Entity Input, ENTITY CURRENCY, England, FCCS_Data Input, FCCS_No Intercompany, FCCS_No Movement, Actual, FY14, Periodic, FCCS_Local GAAP", Consol
Feb, 150, "FCCS_Entity Input, ENTITY CURRENCY, England, FCCS_Data Input, FCCS_No Intercompany, FCCS_No Movement, Actual, FY14, Periodic, FCCS_Local GAAP", Consol
Mar, 120, "FCCS_Entity Input, ENTITY CURRENCY, England, FCCS_Data Input, FCCS_No Intercompany, FCCS_No Movement, Actual, FY14, Periodic, FCCS_Local GAAP", Consol