Setting Account Attribute Values

Specifying Intercompany Account Attributes

You specify Intercompany account attributes on the Attribute Values tab for level 0 accounts. Note that these settings are not applicable to parent accounts.

When you set the Intercompany Account property to Yes, you must specify a Plug account.

To set Intercompany Account attributes:

  1. Select an existing level 0 Account member, click Edit and select the Attribute Values tab.

  2. Enter this information:

    Table 11-10 Intercompany Account Attributes

    Attribute Description

    Intercompany Account

    Specify if the account is an Intercompany account. If set to Yes, a level 0 Plug account must also be specified for this account in order for eliminations to be executed.

    Note: This option is only available if Intercompany is enabled for the application.

    Is Plug Account

    Specify if this level 0 account can be a Plug account.

    Plug Account

    For the accounts that have Intercompany set to Yes, and IsPlugAccount is not set, you can specify a Plug account. Accounts with this property set to Yes can be selected as Plug Accounts.
  3. Click Save.

  4. To add a Plug account:

    1. Select the Account dimension member and select the Custom Attributes button.

    2. Select the attribute Plug Account and click the Synchronize button.

      The newly added Plug account will be displayed in the list of Plug Accounts on the right side of the Plug Account Attribute Values tree.

Specifying Comprehensive Income Cumulative Translation Adjustment (CICTA) Account Attributes

You specify Comprehensive Income Cumulative Translation Adjustment (CITCA) account attributes on the Attribute Values tab for level 0 accounts. Note that these settings are not applicable to parent accounts.

Table 11-11 Comprehensive Income Cumulative Translation Adjustment (CICTA) Account Attributes

Attribute Description

Is CICTA Account

Specify if this account is a replacement for the seeded FCCS_CICTA account.

CICTA Redirection Account

To redirect the FX-To-CICTA posting to an account other than the seeded FCCS_CICTA account, specify the account to use. Available accounts will have the "Is CICTA Account" setting (above) enabled.

Specifying Default Movement Account Attributes

The Calculate Movements system rule calculates movements from Closing Balance Input based on metadata Account and Movement dimension attributes. After you update the metadata attributes, and enable the Calculate Movements system rule from the Consolidation: Process screen, any "Closing Balance Input" entry will generate a calculated movement amount that will be posted to the designated movement. A global default movement for all level 0 accounts can be selected and different movements can also be selected for each individual level 0 account. See Calculate Movements (from Closing Balance Input).

The required Movement dimension members are set as "Default_Mvmt_Yes".

You can apply one of the default movements to level 0 accounts.

If a default movement is applied to the Balance Sheet grouping member (for example, "FCCS_Balance Sheet"), then all level 0 accounts within the Balance Sheet will inherit the selected movement unless they have their own individual selection.

Specifying Indexed Attributes

When you create Custom Attributes for a dimension, you can specify that it is an Indexed attribute.

An indexed attribute dimension is the same as a traditional attribute dimension. It is sent to the database as an attribute dimension during cube refresh. It is not valid for dense dimensions, and requires all assignments for a given dimension to be at the same level.

A non-indexed attribute dimension is primarily a metadata construct used for filtering, although it can be materialized in the database during cube refresh in various ways, typically as a prefixed user-defined attribute. Since it does not materialize as an attribute dimension in the database, it can be assigned to multiple levels, and to dense and sparse dimensions. However, since it is not indexed, it cannot be added as a member to a form to see dynamic data values like traditional indexed attribute dimensions.