Setting Form Dimension Properties

You can set and edit form dimension display properties, including whether to display the member name or alias in the form, hide the row or column, and permit users to view the member formula. These properties apply to row, column, page, and Point of View dimensions.

To set dimension properties:

  1. Open the form, and then click Layout.
  2. Click in a Point of View, page, row, or column to set dimension properties.
  3. Select Dimension Properties:

    Table 16-4 Form Dimension Properties

    Property Description
    Apply to all row dimensions Applies properties to all row dimensions
    Apply to all column dimensions Applies properties to all column dimensions
    Apply to all page dimensions Applies properties to all page dimensions
    Apply to all POV dimensions Applies properties to all Point of View dimensions
    Member Name Displays the member name
    Alias Displays the member alias
    Member Formula Displays member formulas
    Hide dimension Hides the dimension
    Show consolidation operators Displays consolidation operators
    Start expanded Available only for dimensions on rows or columns, choosing this option initially displays the dimension member list expanded
    Enable custom attributes Available only for dimensions on rows or columns; enables custom attributes
    Drill on Shared Members For row or column dimensions. Enable drilling on shared members when the shared member is on a parent member for the main hierarchy.
    Show Currency Available for multi-currency applications; displays currencies
    Show Qualified Name Displays the members of the Entity dimension as Parent.Child.

    Select Never, As Needed, or Always.

    Selecting this option together with the Show Currency option displays the entity member as Parent.Child (ParentCurrency, Child Currency).

    This option is retained when the form is used in Oracle Smart View for Office.

  4. Click Save to save your work and continue, or click Finish to save your work and close the form.