About Approvals

Administrators can set up an approval process to transfer ownership of data, provide review control, and ensure data privacy.

For the purpose of review, data is organized into approval units. An approval unit is the combination of data for a specific Scenario, Year, Period, and Entity. For example:

  • Actual/FY18/Jan/Massachusetts

  • Budget/FY19/Feb/New York

The administrator defines an Approval Unit Hierarchy to show the promotional path for the review process, and assigns Owners and Reviewers. When the approval process is started, the approval unit moves from one reviewer to another until the review process is completed. At the end of the review process, the approval unit changes to Approved status. After an approval unit is Approved, no more changes can be made.

You can access data in an approval unit based on a combination of these items:

  • Your assigned security role

  • The current review level of the approval unit

  • Your access rights and reviewer role for the approval unit

From Approvals on the Home page, you can:

  • Review and approve data

  • Track the progress of the data

  • View the promotional path of the data

  • View reviewers' remarks through annotations

  • Identify issues in the review process