Viewing Approval Units

From the Approvals page, you can view the approval units assigned to you. You can easily view the approvals status information, and can switch between a List view or a Graphical view.

If you are the Administrator, you have access to all approval units and all entities within the approval unit hierarchy, and can perform all approval actions.

If you are a Power User or User, the system displays only the entities for which have either Read or Write access. Additionally, Power Users can perform all approval actions.

To view approval unit status:

  1. On the Home page, click Approvals.

  2. To filter the list, click Filter Filter iconthen filter by Scenario, Year, Period, Approval Status, or Approval Unit and click Apply.

  3. To see only your approval units, click Display My Approval Units.

  4. To filter approval units by other properties, click More at the bottom of the dialog box, and then select from these options:

    • Approval Unit Generation

    • Validation Status

    • User Name

    • Current Location

    • Current Location's Generation

    • Approval Groups

  5. From the View drop-down menu at the top right of the page, select how to display the information about the approval unit:

    • List View Approvals list view
    • Graphical View Approvals graphical view
  6. Optional: From the Sort By select an option. You can sort approval units by their name, approvals status, or current owner.

  7. To refresh the list of approval units, click Refresh.