Viewing the Worklist for Enterprise Journals

The Worklist displays all journals for a specified POV which you're authorized to view. You can select to view All Tasks or My Tasks.

An easy way to filter the items within your list is to use the Search field. It will search across any of the displayed columns in the list, excluding dates and icon based columns. For example, you could search for a user to see all items where the user has been assigned as the Preparer or Approver. The search will return any item where the search term is found in any displayed column.

You can also use the specific filtering capability to access particular items using the Filter bar or click Add a Filter and then set the filters you want per attribute.

To open a journal from a Worklist:

  1. From the Home page, in the Year and Period combination in the Announcement panel, navigate to My Tasks.
  2. Optional: Use the Search field to search for a journal. You can also use the Filter bar or click Add a Filter and then set the filters you want per attribute.