Rejecting Consolidation Journals

After a Consolidation journal is submitted for approval, or approved, you can reject it. After you reject a journal, the status changes to Working.

The journals that are available to reject are based on your role and the journal status.

Table 9-6 Status of Journals Available to Reject

Role Status of Journals Available to Reject Journal Status After Rejection
Create Completed Working
Submit Completed, Submitted Working
Approve Completed, Submitted, Approved Working

After a user has taken an action on a journal, only the next user with the same access can reject it. If a journal is in Completed status, the user who performed the Complete action cannot reject the journal. If a journal is in Submitted status, the user who submitted it cannot reject it. A different user with the same access can reject the journal.

Journals that are Auto-Posted after Approval cannot be rejected as they will have a Posted status.

If email notifications have been set up, a notification email about the rejection is sent to the users who performed the Submit or Complete action. If the Reject action was performed on a Submitted or Approved journal, the Completed user (if the journal was completed and submitted) or Submitted user receives an email notification. If the Reject action was performed on a Completed journal, the Completed user receives an email.


To enable or disable email notifications, see Setting Up Email for Notifications.

To reject journals:

  1. On the Home page, click Consolidation Journals.
  2. From the list of journals, select the submitted or approved journal to reject.

    You can also reject a journal from the Journal Details page.

  3. From the Actions menu, click Reject.
  4. Optional: Enter a comment in Comments.
  5. Optional: To attach a document for more detail supporting the action performed, click Browse to browse to the location of the file. You can attach a document such as a text, Word or Excel file, PDF, audio, video or image file.
    Note: You can load a maximum of three attachments per journal action. The maximum size limit per attachment is 2 GB.

    To delete an attachment, click Delete (X) next to the file name.

  6. Click Reject.