Rejecting Consolidation Journals

After a Consolidation journal is submitted for approval, or approved, you can reject it. After you reject a journal, the status changes to Working.

The journals that are available to reject are based on your role and the journal status.

Table 9-6 Status of Journals Available to Reject

Role Status of Journals Available to Reject Journal Status After Rejection
Create Completed Working
Submit Completed, Submitted Working
Approve Completed, Submitted, Approved Working

If a journal is in Completed status, the user who performed the Complete action cannot reject the journal. If a journal is in Submitted status, the user who submitted it cannot reject it.

If a journal is in Approved status, if the last action was Approve, the user who Approved the journal cannot reject it. If the last action was Unpost, the user who Unposted the journal cannot reject it.

A different user with the same access can reject the journal.

Journals that are Auto-Posted after Approval cannot be rejected as they will have a Posted status.

If email notifications have been set up, a notification email about the rejection is sent to the users who performed the Submit or Complete action. If the Reject action was performed on a Submitted or Approved journal, the Completed user (if the journal was completed and submitted) or Submitted user receives an email notification. If the Reject action was performed on a Completed journal, the Completed user receives an email.


To enable or disable email notifications, see Setting Up Email for Notifications.

To reject journals:

  1. On the Home page, click Consolidation Journals.
  2. From the list of journals, select the submitted or approved journal to reject.

    You can also reject a journal from the Journal Details page.

  3. From the Actions menu, click Reject.
  4. Optional: Enter a comment in Comments.
  5. Optional: To attach a document for more detail supporting the action performed, click Browse to browse to the location of the file. You can attach a document such as a text, Word or Excel file, PDF, audio, video or image file.
    Note: You can load a maximum of three attachments per journal action. The maximum size limit per attachment is 2 GB.

    To delete an attachment, click Delete (X) next to the file name.

  6. Click Reject.