About Oracle Joint Venture Management Users and Security

Set up Joint Venture Management users with access to Joint Venture Management features and data. Create custom roles from copies of the predefined joint venture roles, and if needed, add additional security according to each user's responsibilities.

The custom roles that you create from a copy of the predefined joint venture roles will include a combination of duties, privileges, and data security that determine the tasks users can perform and the data they can access.

Note: You should not use predefined roles because updates to Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications might also include changes to predefined roles. The changes can result in a subscription consumption for an additional cloud service irrespective of whether you purchased the cloud service or not. You can check the release readiness documents for any updates to predefined roles and then incorporate the changes into your custom roles as necessary.
The following list describes the tasks that the different types of Joint Venture Management users can perform when set up with the proper security:
Joint Venture User Tasks
Joint venture application administrator
  • Set up invoicing partners in the Invoicing Partners work area.

  • Create and manage joint venture definitions in the Joint Ventures work area.

  • Create and manage carried interest agreements.
  • Set up Joint Venture System Options to include transaction date sources for subledger accounting and general ledger journals.

  • Set up Joint Venture System Options to include project details in cost-related transactions if the Joint Venture Management integration with Oracle Project Costing is enabled.

  • Set up Joint Venture System Options to include email information for joint interest billing reports delivered through email.

  • Set up Joint Venture Profile Options to enable descriptive flexfields for Joint Venture Management.

  • Set up and update joint ventures and other related setup details using rapid implementation spreadsheets (RIS).

  • Set up the Joint Venture subledger.

Joint venture accountant
  • Create and manage joint venture definitions in the Joint Ventures work area.

  • Create and manage overhead methods in the Joint Venture Overhead Methods work area.

  • Create and manage account sets in the Joint Venture Account Sets work area.

  • Create and manage ownership definition assignment rules in the Ownership Definition Assignment Rules work area.
  • Run the Joint Venture Management processes in the Enterprise Scheduler Service application.

    For a list of the processes, see About Scheduling and Running Oracle Joint Venture Management Processes.

  • Review and manage joint venture transactions and distributions in the Transactions and Distributions work areas.

  • Review and manage joint venture source transactions in the Joint Venture Source Transactions work area.

  • Create and manage partner contributions.

  • Add and manager operational measures and states for a joint venture.

  • Create and manage carried interest agreements.
  • Download, edit, and upload joint venture transactions and distributions data using Microsoft Excel spreadsheets that are integrated with Oracle Visual Builder Add-in for Excel.

  • View only access to invoicing partners and joint venture system options.

  • View only access to details of joint venture invoices in Receivables and Payables.

Joint venture accounting manager
  • Monitor joint venture data in the Joint Venture Accounting Manager Dashboard.

  • View only access to joint venture definitions, invoicing partners, overhead methods, carried interest agreements, and joint venture system options set up for joint ventures.

  • View only access to joint venture transactions, distributions, partner contributions, and joint venture source transactions.

  • View only access to details of joint venture invoices in Receivables and Payables.

When set up as prescribed, a joint venture application administrator and joint venture accountant can create and manage joint venture definitions. But only a joint venture application administrator can set up invoicing partners. This separation of duties provides a level of oversight and control to the joint venture application administrator. It helps to ensure that only partners identified in a joint operating agreement are set up as invoicing partners who will be invoiced for transactions associated with the joint venture.

You can add or remove duties, privileges, and data security in roles according to the job responsibilities of the users in your organization. You can add many roles to a user, so you don't need to create a custom role that includes all privileges needed for a particular user.