Joint Venture Accounting Manager

To set up a joint venture accounting manager user, create a custom role from a copy of the following role and add it to the user's profile: Joint Venture Accounting Manager (ORA_JV_JOINT_VENTURE_ACCOUNTING_MANAGER_JOB).

On the joint venture distributions and invoices work areas, the user can drill down to a view only page in subledger accounting to review the source journal entries from which joint venture transactions were created. The user's profile must have permissions to access this information in Oracle Financials Subledger Accounting. Therefore, in addition to assigning the custom role, you need to perform the following setup tasks for this user:

  • Create a new role and add function security policies and data security policies to the role.

  • Add the new role to the joint venture accounting manager user.

  • Identify the data access sets of the source transactions and configure these data access sets to the joint venture accounting manager user and new role.

Caution: It’s recommended that you don’t provide these permissions to the joint venture accountant user. If you do, be aware that this might result in the joint venture accountant user getting manage access to all subledgers.

To set up a joint venture accounting manager user to review subledger journals:

  1. Navigate to Setup and Maintenance and access the Users and Security functional area.
  2. Click the Manage Job Roles task and click Create Role.
    The Create Role setup wizard displays.
  3. On Basic Information, add information to create a new role with role category as Financials-Job Roles, and click Next.
  4. On Function Security Policy, click Add Function Security Policy.
  5. Search for and add the following function security policies, and then click Next:
    • Manage Journal Activities

    • Review Subledger Journal Entry Rule Set

    This image shows the Add Function Security Policy page with these policies added to a role: Manage Journal Activities and Review Subledger Journal Entry Rule Set.
  6. On Data Security Policies, click Create Data Security Policy.
  7. Use the information in the following table to add the required data security policies:
    Policy Name Database Policy Description Data Set Condition Name Actions
    Grant on Subledger Application Subledger Source Transaction Joint venture accounting manager can review subledger source transaction data for the general ledger data access sets for which they are authorized. Select By Instance Set Access All Subledger Source Transactions for a Ledger Manage Subledger Source Transaction Data
    Grant on Subledger Application Subledger Application Joint venture accounting manager can review subledger application data for the general ledger data access sets for which they are authorized. Select By Instance Set Subledger Application Instance Set Manage Subledger Application Data
    Grant on Ledger Ledger for Table GL_LEDGERS Joint venture accounting manager can report Oracle General Ledger for the ledgers derived from data access set for which they are authorized. Select By Instance Set Access the ledger for table GL_LEDGERS for the ledgers derived from data access sets for which they are authorized Read; Report Oracle General Ledger;
  8. Review the Summary page and click Save and Close.
    The system brings you to the Roles page.
  9. Next, add the new role to the joint venture accounting manager user. To do so:
    1. Click Users on the left menu on the Roles page.

    2. On User Accounts, search for and select your joint venture accounting manager user.

    3. Click Edit and add the new role to the user.

    Your joint venture accounting manager user profile should now have two roles associated with it, the role that you associated here and the ORA_JV_JOINT_VENTURE_ACCOUNTING_MANAGER_JOB role.

  10. Next, to this user and role, configure access for all the data access sets under which the subledger transactions were created. To do so:
    1. Navigate to Setup and Maintenance and access the Enterprise Profile functional area.

    2. Click the Manage Reference Data Set Data Access for Users task.

    3. On Manage Data Access for Users, select the Users with Data Access option.

    4. Select Data access set for Security Context.

    5. Enter your joint venture accounting manager user in the User Name field.

    6. Click Add and enter information to assign the required data access sets to the joint venture accounting manager user and role, as shown in this example:

      This image shows the Manage Data Access Set for Users page, the details of which are described in the surrounding text.

    The example shows the two records added with the following details to enable data access for a user:

    User Name Role Role Name Security Context Security Context Value
    JVAccounting Manager View_Subledger_Journals ORA_JV_JOINT_VENTURE Data access set HEPPLedger CA
    JVAccounting Manager View_Subledger_Journals ORA_JV_JOINT_VENTURE Data access set HEPPLedger US