Financials Common Module - Intercompany Transactions Real Time


Information on intercompany transactions entered in the Intercompany module such as the provider and receiver legal entities, accounting date, distribution accounts, intercompany receivables and intercompany payables account, and transaction status. For information related to intercompany balancing lines created for journals and subledger accounting entries, use General Ledger - Journals Real Time.

Business Questions

This subject area can answer the following business questions:

Job Roles

The following job roles secure access to this subject area:

Duty Roles

The following duty roles secure access to this subject area:

Primary Navigation

Home > Intercompany Accounting > Transactions

Time Reporting

This subject area supports intercompany transactions history.

Time dimension is linked to Intercompany Transaction Date.

Transactional Grain

This subject area returns data at the grain of internal company transactions. There are 2 level of data grains:

1) Intercompany Transaction Batch (RA_BATCHES_ALL)

2) Intercompany Transaction Header( FUN_TRX_HEADERS)

3) Intercompany Distribution Lines (FUN_DIST_LINES)

Special Considerations
