Error Messages for Receivables Credit Memos

Here are the error messages that may be generated when a service request is processed:

Message Name Message Text
AR_BILL_TO_CUST_NOT_FOUND The criteria you entered didn't return a bill-to customer. Ensure that you entered the correct customer name and account number.
AR_BILL_TO_SITE_DUPLICATE The criteria you entered returned duplicate customer bill-to sites.
AR_BILL_TO_SITE_NOT_FOUND The customer bill-to site you entered doesn't exist.
AR_FUNC_CURRENCY_REQ The currency you entered is invalid. You can only create an invoice in the ledger currency.
AR_BU_NOT_FOUND The business unit you entered doesn't exist.
AR_BATCH_SOURCE_NOT_FOUND The transaction source you entered doesn't exist.
AR_SHIP_TO_CUST_NOT_FOUND The criteria you entered didn't return a ship-to customer. Ensure that you entered the correct ship-to customer name and account number.
AR_SHIP_TO_CUST_NUM_REQ Enter the ship-to customer account number.
AR_SHIP_TO_SITE_NOT_FOUND The customer ship-to site you entered doesn't exist.
AR_ITEM_NOT_FOUND The item you entered for line {NUMBER} doesn't exist.
AR_INVALID_INVENTORY_ITEM_CODE The item {ITEM_NUMBER} you entered is invalid.
AR_LINE_ATTR_OPT_REQ Enter a value for item, memo line, or description for line {NUMBER}.
AR_WH_NOT_FOUND The warehouse {WAREHOUSE_CODE} you entered on line {NUMBER} doesn't exist.
AR_NO_ITEM_NO_WH You must provide an item for line {LINE_NUMBER} if you provide the warehouse {WAREHOUSE_CODE}.
AR_ITEM_INVENTORYORG_WS The item {ITEM} isn't associated with the warehouse {WAREHOUSE_CODE}.
AR_CM_NO_TX_AMT_LINE You can't create a line level manual tax distribution for credit memo line {LINE_NUMBER} because this line doesn't have a tax amount.
AR_CM_DIS_FREIGHT_LINE You can only create one freight distribution for credit memo line {LINE_NUMBER}.
AR_CM_DIS_FREIGHT_INVALID You must enter an amount for the credit memo manual freight distribution that's equal to the credit memo freight amount.
AR_CM_DIS_NO_LINE The line number {LINE_NUMBER} that you entered doesn't match any of the credit memo line numbers.
AR_CM_DIS_FREIGHT_LINE_INV You must use the freight amount on the credit memo line {LINE_NUMBER} to create a corresponding line level manual freight distribution.
AR_CM_DIS_REV_AMT You must enter a total revenue distribution amount that equals the revenue amount on credit memo line {LINE_NUMBER}.
AR_CM_DIS_TAX_DET_AMT The total tax distribution amount must equal the tax amount on line {LINE_NUMBER} and detailed tax line {DETAILED_TAX_LINE_NUMBER}.
AR_CM_DIS_TAX_PCT The total tax distribution percentage must equal one hundred for line {LINE_NUMBER} and detailed tax line {DETAILED_TAX_LINE_NUMBER}.
AR_CM_DIS_NOT_IND You can't create manual credit memo distributions for an existing credit memo. You can only create manual distributions for new credit memos.
AR_CM_DIS_ACC_CLASS You must enter a valid account class. Valid account classes are Receivables, Revenue, Tax, and Freight.
AR_CM_CMPLT_STATUS You can only create a complete credit memo. You can't create an incomplete credit memo.
AR_CM_INV_CR_RSN The credit memo reason that you entered doesn't match any of the defined credit memo reasons.
AR_CM_INV_CR_RSN_LN The credit memo reason that you entered for credit memo line {LINE_NUMBER} doesn't match any of the defined credit memo reasons.