Manage Payables Payments

A payment is a transfer of money to a supplier for goods delivered or services rendered.

You can use the Payables Payments REST API to create and manage payment details. Here are the details that you can include:

  • Payment header
  • Invoices to Pay
  • Descriptive flexfields
  • Global descriptive flexfields

The Payables Payments REST API integrates your external systems with Oracle Payables Cloud. For example, here's how a payment is made void:

  1. The external system sends a request to the REST API to void a payment.
  2. The REST API receives the request and
    • Processes the request
    • Validates the information
    • Responds to the non-Oracle application
  3. If the information is valid, the void payment related information is updated in Payables and the details are sent back to the non-Oracle application.
  4. If the information is invalid, an error is sent back to the non-Oracle application.

This flowchart shows you how a payment is updated:

The following flowchart shows how the Payables Payments REST API interacts with an external system. The Payables Payments REST API receives a JSON request payload from the external system, processes the request and validates information, and returns a success or error message. Then, the Oracle Payables Cloud voids the payment.