Tax Determining Factor Sets and Condition Sets

A tax determining factor is an attribute that contributes to the outcome of a tax determination process, such as a geographical location, tax registration status, or a fiscal classification. Determining factors are represented in tax rules as the following concepts:

  • Determining factor class: Tax determining factors are categorized into logical groupings called determining factor classes, such as Accounting or Geography.

  • Tax class qualifier: Use a class qualifier with a determining factor class when it is possible to associate a determining factor class with more than one value on the transaction. For example, you need to specify which location type, such as ship-to party, a specific geography level, such as country, is associated with.

  • Determining factor name: Each determining factor class contains one or more determining factor names that constitute the contents of the class.

The result of a determining factor class, and its class qualifiers and determining factor names, is a list of available factors for use with tax conditions. Each tax condition within a tax condition set must result in a valid value or range of values for tax determination.

Conceptually, determining factors fall into four groups: party, product, process, and place. The following figure expands upon the determining factors within each grouping.
This figure expands upon the determining factors within each grouping. The determining factors and their relationship to party, product, process, and place are discussed in detail in the table in the following section.

The relationship between the determining factor and condition sets and the party, product, process, and place is shown in the following table. The relationship value is a concept to group tax drivers and not an element in the tax rule definition. The determining factor, determining factor class, tax class qualifier, determining factor name, condition set operator, and condition set value are all components of tax rule setup.


Determining Factor

Determining Factor Class

Tax Class Qualifier

Determining Factor Name

Condition Set - Operator

Condition Set - Value




Line Account

Equal to

Flexible with range of qualifiers and segment or account values




Document fiscal classification level (1-5) or blank

Document Fiscal Classification

  • Equal to

  • Not equal to

  • Is blank

  • Is not blank

Document fiscal classification codes of the class qualifier level or all document fiscal classification codes if there is not class qualifier




Location type which can be one of the following:

  • Bill from

  • Bill to

  • Point of acceptance

  • Point of origin

  • Ship from

  • Ship to

Geography type from Oracle Fusion Trading Community Model

  • Equal to

  • Equal to determining factor

  • Not equal to

  • Not equal to determining factor

  • Range

  • Is blank

  • Is not blank

Trading Community Model geography names of the geography type belonging to the location identified by the class qualifier, for example, country or state.

If the operator is Equal to determining factor or Not equal to determining factor then the values are:

  • Bill from

  • Bill to

  • Point of acceptance

  • Point of origin

  • Ship from

  • Ship to

The available values do not include the tax class qualifier value.


Legal Party Classification

Legal party fiscal classification

First party

Legal activity codes for:

  • Chile

  • Colombia

  • Peru

  • United Kingdom

  • Venezuela

  • Equal to

  • Not equal to

  • Is blank

  • Is not blank

Legal classification codes of the legal classification activity


Party Fiscal Classification

Party fiscal classification

Location type which can be one of the following:

  • Bill-from party

  • Bill-to party

  • Point of acceptance party

  • Point of origin party

  • Ship-from party

  • Ship-to party

Party fiscal classification type

  • Equal to

  • Not equal to

  • Is blank

  • Is not blank

Fiscal classification codes of the party fiscal classification type assigned to the party identified by the class qualifier


Product Inventory Linked

Product inventory linked

Name of a specific level of a product fiscal classification

  • Equal to

  • Not equal to

  • Is blank

  • Is not blank

Fiscal classification codes of the applicable product fiscal classification type


Product Noninventory Linked

Product noninventory linked

Product fiscal classification level (1-5) or blank

Product category product fiscal classification type

  • Equal to

  • Not equal to

  • Is blank

  • Is not blank

Product classification codes of the class qualifier level or all product fiscal classification codes if there is no class qualifier


Registration Status


Location type which can be one of the following:

  • Bill-from party

  • Bill-to party

  • Ship-from party

  • Ship-to party

Registration Status

  • Equal to

  • Equal to determining factor

  • Not equal to

  • Not equal to determining factor

  • Is blank

  • Is not blank

The registration status defined in the registration status lookup.

If the operator is Equal to determining factor or Not equal to determining factor then the values are:

  • Bill-from party

  • Bill-to party

  • Ship-from party

  • Ship-to party


Transaction Fiscal Classification

Transaction fiscal classification

Transaction fiscal classification type

  • Equal to

  • Not equal to

  • Is blank

  • Is not blank

Specific transaction fiscal classification code


Transaction Business Category

Transaction generic classification

Classification level (1-5) or blank

Transaction Business Category

  • Equal to

  • Not equal to

Transaction business category fiscal classification codes of the class qualifier level or all fiscal classification codes if there is no class qualifier


Transaction Type

Transaction generic classification

Classification level (1-5) or blank

Transaction Business Category

  • Equal to

  • Not equal to

Transaction business category fiscal classification codes of the class qualifier level or all fiscal classification codes if there is no class qualifier


Intended Use

Transaction input factor

Intended Use

  • Equal to

  • Not equal to

  • Is blank

  • Is not blank

Product intended use fiscal classification codes


Line Class

Transaction input factor

Line Class

  • Equal to

  • Not equal to

  • Is blank

  • Is not blank

Transaction event classes and activities

Code list of line transaction types such as:

  • Procure-to-pay

  • Credit memo order-to-cash

  • Miscellaneous cash


Product Type

Transaction input factor

Product Type

  • Equal to

  • Not equal to

  • Is blank

  • Is not blank

Predefined goods or services


Tax Classification Code

Transaction input factor

Tax Classification Code

  • Equal to

  • Not equal to

  • Is blank

  • Is not blank

Tax classification codes


User-Defined Fiscal Classification

Transaction input factor

User-Defined Fiscal Classification

  • Equal to

  • Not equal to

  • Is blank

  • Is not blank

User-defined fiscal classification codes


User-Defined Geography

User-defined geography

Location type which can be one of the following:

  • Bill from

  • Bill to

  • Point of acceptance

  • Point of origin

  • Ship from

  • Ship to

Tax zone types

  • Equal to

  • Equal to determining factor

  • Not equal to

  • Not equal to determining factor

  • Is blank

  • Is not blank

Tax zones of the tax zone type belonging to the location identified by the class qualifier

Tip: Do not mix the interpretation of the party, product, process, and place and the associated determining factors if possible. For example, if the information you need to model concerns the geography associated with the locations on the transaction do not use party classifications to model this type of requirement.
Tip: Whenever possible, use automatically determined or derived determining factors, such as party classifications, product fiscal classifications, or geography instead of using those that are reliant on information entered at transaction time, such as product category, intended use, or user-defined fiscal classifications. Those entering information at transaction time may not be familiar with the impact this information has on tax determination.

You can use multiple party and product fiscal classifications at the same time. However, only the primary product fiscal classification, as defined in the country defaults is displayed on the transaction line. When you override the product fiscal classification at transaction time that value is used in preference to the default product fiscal classification.