How Oracle Joint Venture Management Processes Joint Venture Definitions with Distributable Project Value Rules

It’s important to understand how the Identify Joint Venture Transactions process uses the criteria in a joint venture definition to identify transactions for distribution. This helps to ensure that you set up joint venture definitions properly so that project-related transactions are processed as you intended.

The process first uses the distributable account information in a joint venture definition, defined either through distributable segment values or an account set, to identify all transactions for a joint venture. This includes all project-related transactions within the distributable accounts. It initially sets all identified transactions to a status of “Available to process.”

Next, the process checks for distributable project value rules in the joint venture definition. If rules exist, project-related transactions that match the criteria in the rules remain at a status of “Available to process.” All other project related transactions that don’t match the criteria are set to a status of “Not distributable.”

In the Joint Venture Transactions work area, you can review all transactions identified by the Identify Joint Venture Transactions process, including project-related transactions. You can override the status of these transactions in the work area as needed.

You can also have a joint venture application administrator configure Joint Venture Management to exclude project-related transactions identified as “Not distributable.”