About the Life Cycle of Joint Ventures

During the life cycle of an active joint venture that's processing joint venture transactions, you can update the joint venture definition to account for changes in the joint operating agreement. For example, you might need to add or remove stakeholders, change the ownership percentage of a stakeholder, or change the status of an ownership definition so that it's no longer used.

For data integrity purposes, the system prevents you from modifying certain details. For example, you can't delete an ownership definition that's been used to split transactions because it contains a record of the stakeholder ownership percentages used to calculate the split.

The topics in this section describe how to manage your active joint venture definitions in the Joint Ventures work area or in a spreadsheet.

Note: Although both Visual Builder spreadsheet and rapid implementation spreadsheet (RIS) are available for you to manage your joint venture definitions, Oracle recommends that you use the Visual Builder spreadsheet instead of RIS to update joint venture definitions. For more information on Visual Builder spreadsheets for Joint Venture Management, see Manage Joint Venture Data in Microsoft Excel.

To access the Joint Ventures work area, you must be a joint venture accountant or joint venture administrator.

If Data Security for Joint Venture Management is enabled, you can manage only the joint ventures that are associated with the business units you are authorized to manage. You might have view-only access to some joint ventures and manage access to other joint ventures.