Run the Process to Create Audit Reports for Joint Ventures

Joint venture accountants can run the process to create audit reports for joint ventures.

If Data Security for Joint Venture Management is enabled, you can run the process for the joint ventures that are associated with the business units you are authorized to manage.

  1. From the Home page, select Joint Venture Management, and then select Create Joint Venture Distributions from the Quick Actions list.

  2. For the Processing Mode, select Export Data for Audit Report.

  3. To select the data for the report, enter a date range for transactions and invoices. At a minimum, you need to enter one of the date ranges to generate the report.

  4. Optionally, complete these ranges to select data for the report, if needed:

    • From and To Joint Venture

    • From and To Invoicing partner

    • From and To Project Number

    If you enter only the beginning value in a range, the process will run over all data starting from the value you entered. If you leave these fields blank, the process will run over all your joint ventures, invoicing partners, and project numbers.

  5. Click Submit.

  6. Click your instance of the Create Joint Venture Distributions process in the Search Results section. In the Log and Output section, click the attachment to find the generated file in CSV format. Alternatively, you can click the notifications button (bell icon) and access the file from the All Notifications window. You can also view a log for the details of any processing errors. For example, if you don't specify at least one date range for transactions or invoices, the process doesn't generate the file and reports the error in the log.