Fiscal Document Generation Statuses

A fiscal document goes through different stages in its life cycle and different statuses are used to track them.

Use the Manage Fiscal Document Generation page to search and track the status of your fiscal document. This page can be accessed from both the Receivables workflow and Shipment workflow.

Note: You need the Fiscal Document Generation duty role to search and track the fiscal document.

These table lists the different statuses that can be assigned to a fiscal document:



Transaction Entered

When transaction entry is complete.


When fiscal attributes are entered and the transaction is ready for fiscal document generation.

In Process

When a record is locked for processing. It is used to restrict changes to the fiscal attributes.

Validation Errors

When errors are identified in the fiscal attribute details.


When the fiscal attribute validation is successful and fiscal document number is allocated.

Generated - Contingency

When the fiscal document is generated in contingency mode.


When a fiscal document is made available to the third-party application.


When a fiscal document is approved by the tax authority.

Approval Errors

When a fiscal document is rejected by the tax authority because of errors.

Marked for Cancel

When a fiscal document is marked for cancellation.

Marked for Void

When a fiscal document is marked for void.


Wen the tax authority approves canceling of a fiscal document.


When the tax authority approves voiding of a fiscal document.

Upload Failure

When the third party application reports upload failure to the tax authority site.

Approved with Corrections

When the tax authority approved a fiscal document with certain corrections to the tax amounts.

Pending Return

Status returned by third party application when there is no update from the tax authority.


When the tax authority rejects the fiscal document.

The tax authority can return the fiscal document approval, or can mark the validation errors or can reject the fiscal document.

If the partner informs there are communication issues with tax authority, the fiscal document can be generated in contingency mode so goods can be shipped. Besides that, if necessary a fiscal document can be canceled after receiving an approval from the tax authority or it can be voided before it is sent to the tax authority.

All these statuses are effectively managed and tracked through the Manage Fiscal Document Generation page.

When a fiscal document represents sale of goods and services through a single transaction, involving reporting and approval from different tax authorities, a dynamic approval process is built into the application where the approval from different tax authorities is managed in a queue model, in a synchronous mode.