Fiscal Document Generation

A fiscal document is generated to represent sale of goods or services and movement of goods or assets from one location to another. A fiscal document provides all relevant details of a transaction, including applicable taxes and associated fiscal attributes.

A fiscal document is created in an XML format and is validated by the tax authorities before it's sent to the customers. It can also be sent in a paper format, called DANFE, along with the goods.

You can void or cancel a fiscal document within a specified time period. You can also generate an alternate document in contingency mode, in case there is no response from the tax authority.

You can generate a fiscal document either from the Receivables workflow or Shipment workflow. A receivables invoice is used to support the generation of a fiscal document for sale of goods, services, or both. From Shipment, you can generate fiscal documents for internal material transfers and return to supplier transactions.

You can generate a fiscal document only for transactions that are associated with a business unit operating in Brazil.

To correctly generate the fiscal document, ensure the Enable Fiscal Document Processing check box is enabled on the Localization System Options page. This lets you capture the appropriate fiscal attributes.

After the fiscal document is generated, it can be extracted in an extract file. You can use third party software to interface the document to the tax authority portal and capture back the approval or rejection status. Alternatively, you can manually upload the fiscal document to the tax authority portal and update the return status in the Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications.

A service fiscal document follows a similar flow but it should be approved by a city tax authority, since the service taxes are collected by cities. For service invoices, separate fiscal documents are generated for each invoice line and handled individually. Similarly, mixed invoices with goods and service lines will generate one mixed fiscal document that's submitted to the state or federal tax authority and one service fiscal document for each service line that's submitted to the city tax authority.