Create Leases

You can start the lease creation from the Lease landing page.

You can start by using one of the following three ways:

  1. Click New from the Actions menu to open the Create Lease page.

  2. Click (+) from the menu.

  3. Click Create Leases from the side panel.

Create Lease Page:

You need to enter the following information on the Create Lease page:



Business Unit

Select the business unit of the lease.

Lease Type

Select the type of lease that you want to create.

Legal Entity

Select the legal entity.

Lease Number

Enter the lease number.

Lease Start Date

Select the start date of the lease.

Lease End Date

Select the end date of the lease.

Party Name

Select the party name.

Asset Type

This field is only for an expense lease.

Select the type of asset.

Your choices are as follows:

  • Equipment Lease
  • Property Lease

Accounting Classification

Select the accounting classification.

For expense lease, your choices are as follows:

  • Operating Lease
  • Finance Lease
  • Exempt

For revenue lease, your choice is only:

  • Operating Lease

Discount Rate Index

This field is only for an expense lease.

Select the discount rate index for the lease.

Click Save and Continue.

Oracle Lease Accounting displays the entire lease contract, and you can include information about the lease in the various tabs.

Expense Lease: Overview Tab:

You can add or update the following lease information in the Lease Details section:



Lease Name

You can retain or change the lease name.

Party Name

You can view the party name.

Asset Type

You can view the asset type of the lease.

Options Class

You can select whether the options on the lease are at Lease level or Asset level.

Accounting Classification

You can view the accounting classification.


You can enter a description for the lease.

Payment Increase Applicable

Select Yes or No to enable Payment Increase for the lease.

You must save the lease if you select Yes. The Payment Increase Agreements tab is now available.

In the Overview tab, you can view or add the notes for the lease in the Lease Details section.

  1. Click the Note icon.

  2. Click New (+) to display the Create Note page.

    The following fields are available as part of the note creation for a property lease asset:




    Lease Accounting selects the Leasing Activities note type by default.

    Your choices are as follows:

    • Compliance
    • General
    • Leasing Activities
    • Legal


    Select the check box to make the note private and only visible to you.

    Click Save and Close.

    Click OK.

You can add the following lease term information in the Term Details section:



Lease Start Date

Retain or change the lease start date.

Lease End Date

Retain or change the lease end date.

Lease Term

Lease Accounting displays the calculated lease term in Years, Months, and Days.

Date Signed On

Enter the signing date of the lease.

You can view or add the following amortization information in the Amortizations section:



Amortization Start Date

Select the amortization start date of the lease. The default date is the lease start date.

Amortization End Date

The amortization end date is the same as the lease end date.

Proration Method

Select the amortization proration method.

Your choices are as follows:

  • Days/Month
  • 360 Days/Year

Discount Rate Index

Retain or change the discount rate index.

Discount Rate

Lease Accounting displays the discount rate based on the selected discount rate index.

Rate Adder

Enter the rate adder for the amortization, if required.

The rate adder gives an additional discount more than the provided discount rate in the discount rate index.

The amortization start date can be after the lease start date. If there are options on the lease, the amortization end date can differ from the lease end date. In this case, Lease Accounting derives the schedules and runs them between the amortization start and end dates.

The document details for a lease include who you assign to and who abstracts the lease.

You can view or add the following document information in the Document Details section:



Document Start Date

Select the document start date of the lease. The default date is the lease start date.

Document End Date

Select the document end date of the lease. The default date is the lease end date.

Abstracted By

Select who has abstracted the lease.

Assigned To

Select the lease assignee.

You can view or add the following migration information in the Migration section:



Migrated Lease

Select the check box if it is a migrated lease.

You must calculate and enter the migration balances for operating and finance right-of-use amounts in the Migration Balances section.

Migration Date

The date of migration for the lease.

Note: Mark your lease as 'Migrated' if you're migrating the lease midlife. You can provide the carrying values of right-of-use balances, and Lease Accounting amortizes these balances on a going-forward basis. Lease Accounting calculates the lease liability, and you have to provide the right-of-use balances for initial measurement.

Revenue Lease: Overview Tab:

You can add or update the following lease information in the Lease Details section:



Lease Name

You can retain or change the lease name.

Party Name

You can view the party name.

Account Number

You can view the account number of the party.

Options Class

You can select whether the options on the lease are at Lease level or Asset level.

Accounting Classification

You can view the accounting classification.


You can enter a description for the lease.

In the Overview tab, you can view or add the notes for the lease in the Lease Details section.

  1. Click the Note icon.

  2. Click New (+) to display the Create Note page.

    The following fields are available as part of the note creation for a property lease asset:




    Lease Accounting selects the Leasing Activities note type by default.

    Your choices are as follows:

    • Compliance
    • General
    • Leasing Activities
    • Legal


    Select the check box to make the note private and only visible to you.

    Click Save and Close.

    Click OK.

You can add the following lease term information in the Term Details section:



Lease Start Date

Retain or change the lease start date.

Lease End Date

Retain or change the lease end date.

Lease Term

Lease Accounting displays the calculated lease term in Years, Months, and Days.

Date Signed On

Enter the signing date of the lease.

You can view or add the following amortization information in the Amortizations section:



Amortization Start Date

Select the amortization start date of the lease. The default date is the lease start date.

Amortization End Date

The amortization end date is the same as the lease end date.

Proration Method

Select the amortization proration method.

Your choices are as follows:

  • Days/Month
  • 360 Days/Year

The amortization start date can be after the lease start date. If there are options on the lease, the amortization end date can differ from the lease end date. In this case, Lease Accounting derives the schedules and runs them between the amortization start and end dates.

The document details for a lease include who you assign to and who abstracts the lease.

You can view or add the following document information in the Document Details section:



Document Start Date

Select the document start date of the lease. The default date is the lease start date.

Document End Date

Select the document end date of the lease. The default date is the lease end date.

Abstracted By

Select who has abstracted the lease.

Assigned To

Select the lease assignee.

You can view or add the following migration information in the Migration section:



Migrated Lease

Select the check box if it is a migrated lease.

Migration Date

The date of migration for the lease.