Reporting and Inquiry for the Budget End Process

After the carry forward process, you can verify the impact on transactions and balances, and report on how the carried forward funds are expended.

You can also review the carry forward actions using the document history of the purchase order.


Purchase order 89 was carried forward from 2015 to 2016 affecting control budgets VCity FY 2015 and VCity FY 2016 respectively. The budget date on the purchase order will be the carry forward date. For PO 89, this date is 1/1/16.

The document history is as follows:

Use the Budgetary Control Analysis report to review the three new transaction actions for the carry forward:
  • Carry forward final close purchase order
    • Reverses the obligation from the prior period
  • Carry forward reopen purchase order
    • Reinstates the obligation into the new period
  • Carry forward budget adjustment
    • Carries forward the budget for the corresponding obligation

VCity FY 2015 Budgetary Control Analysis Report