How You Match Mobile Device Expenses to Online Corporate Card Expenses

Oracle Fusion Expenses provides you with the convenience of using mobile devices to create expense items on the fly. You can use the Expenses mobile application to track all your business expenses, including corporate card transactions.

You can download corporate card transactions to your mobile device, review and edit the expense details, and tag corporate card transactions as personal. When you upload expenses in an expense report to the web-based application, any resulting duplicate expenses must be reconciled.

To eliminate duplicate expenses, the web-based application automatically finds potential matches between your uploaded expenses and your corporate card transactions. The web-based application handles matches in the Expense Items section of the work area in different ways, depending on whether the match is a:

  • One-to-one automatic match

  • One-to-many manual match

  • One-to-one or one-to-many manual match

One-to-One Automatic Match

When the web-based application identifies a one-to-one match between a mobile device expense and a card expense, it automatically merges the two lines into one. The web-based application alerts you to a match by displaying a Match icon, which displays as double pages, on the merged line.

To review the automatic match identified by the web-based application, click the Match icon in the Expense Items section of the work area. The Matched Expense Items dialog box appears. If a match exists, you take no further action.

If you think the potential match identified by the web-based application isn't a match, click the Delete icon. Both the mobile device expense and the corporate card expense return to the Expense Items section of the Expenses work area as two separate expenses.

One-to-Many Manual Match

When the web-based application identifies a one-to-many potential match, a Potential Match icon appears. This occurs, whether it's a single corporate card expense versus multiple mobile device expenses or a single mobile device expense versus multiple corporate card expenses. The icon displays as an exclamation point on the single expense. For example, if a one-to-many match exists between one card expense and two mobile expenses, the web-based application displays the Potential Match on the card expense.

For the one-to-many potential match, the web-based application doesn't automatically merge expense lines. Instead, you must manually identify the correct match.

To manually review potential matches, click the Potential Match icon. To identify the correct match, visually compare the following fields for the single expense against the same fields for the multiple expenses:

  • Expense Type

  • Date

  • Amount

  • Merchant

  • Location

  • Description

If you think a potential match is a duplicate, select the applicable expense, and delete it. You may select one or multiple expenses to delete.

Note: You can delete only mobile cash expenses. You can't delete corporate card expenses.

After you determine the correct match, select the applicable expense, and click the Match button.

Note: You can select only one expense from multiple potential matches as a valid match. Remaining expenses return to the Expense Items section of the work area as separate expenses.

One-to-One or One-to-Many Manual Match

After adding expenses to a report, the web-based application may identify one or more expenses as a one-to-one match or as a one-to-many potential match. For either case, you must manually match the expenses.

The web-based application doesn't automatically match expenses that already exist in an expense report.

Tip: If you download corporate card transactions to a mobile device, similar matching capability exists on the device.