Release Funds from Unused Spend Authorization Reservations

Sometimes, after you submit expense reports for a spend authorization there may be some remaining funds that are no longer needed. You need to release unused funds so that they can be utilized for other expenses.

To release unused funds, you need to close the spend authorization.

Close Spend Authorizations

Here are the steps to close a spend authorization:

  1. On the Authorizations page, select the spend authorization you want to close.

  2. Select Close from the Actions menu.

  3. Click OK.

The spend authorization is closed if it meets these criteria:

  • It passes budgetary control validation.

  • It isn't associated to any outstanding transaction. So, any associated expense reports must not be in any of these statuses:

    • Ready for payment processing

    • Awaiting receipts

    • Hold pending receipts

    • Rejected by individual

    • Invoice canceled

    • Rejected

    • Pending expense auditor approval

    • Pending individual approval

    • Pending individual response

    • Pending manager approval

    • Manager requested more information

    • Returned

    • Saved

    • Submitted

    • Withdrawn

Here is what happens when a spend authorization is successfully closed:

  • Unused funds are released.

  • Spend authorization status is updated to Closed.

  • The Authorizations page is updated to display the closed amount and the amount previously applied to expense reports in the status line.

After a spend authorizations is closed, new expense items can't be associated to the spend authorization.