View Applied Cash Advance Details in Expense Report

You can review applied cash advance details on the View Expense Report page.

The Cash Advance Applied section displays the details when there are one or more cash advances applied either manually or automatically to the expense report. For manually applied cash advances, the details are displayed after the submission of the expense report. For automatically applied cash advances, the details are displayed after the processing of the expense report for reimbursement. The Report Total section displays the reimbursable amount and the total cash advance applied if any to the report.

When no cash advances are applied, the Expense Report doesn’t display the Cash Advances Applied section.

If the employee, approver, or auditor removes or updates the cash advances applied to the expense report then the expense report removes or updates the Cash Advances Applied section accordingly.

The printable page of View Expense Report displays the Cash Advances section under the Expense Items section with the total in the Cash Advances Applied field. The printable page doesn’t display the Cash Advances section when no cash advances are applied.