Apply Cash Advances Manually to Expense Report

Cash advances can be applied to the expense reports automatically or manually.

You can apply cash advances manually to the Expense reports if the manual application of cash advances option is enabled for your business unit. For example, you are allocated $500 as cash advance for a project. When you submit an expense report for the project, you can choose the relevant cash advance to apply to the report.

Note: For expense reports that are submitted using REST APIs cash advances are applied automatically even if manual cash advance application is enabled for the business unit.

When you create and submit an expense report for approval, a list of available cash advances is displayed and you can select the applicable ones. Cash advances that are from other business units or in different currencies from the reimbursement currency are not displayed in the list of available cash advances.

You can opt not to apply any of the available cash advances when you submit your expenses if you did not take any advances for that expense report.

To apply cash advances manually, do these steps:

  1. On the Expense Report page, click Submit.
  2. The Apply Cash Advances page displays the list of available cash advances. The cash advances are displayed in the chronological order of the due date.
    Note: Page is not displayed if amount reimbursable is zero or if you do not have any cash advances to apply.
  3. Select one or more cash advances as applicable.
  4. If you don’t want to apply cash advances, select Don't apply a cash advance. You must enter a reason in the Justification field for not selecting any cash advance.
  5. Click Submit to submit the expenses.

    After you submit the expense report the status of the applied cash advance gets updated and the applied amount will get deducted from the available amount.

    The applied cash advances list appears on the corresponding Expense Report page. This list is displayed for both manually and automatically applied cash advances. For manually applied cash advances, the list is displayed after the report is submitted. For automatically applied cash advances, the list is displayed after the report is processed for reimbursement.

What happens to the cash advances when reports are returned to the employee

For these actions taken on an expense report, the cash advances that are applied to the report are removed or adjusted and the applied or adjusted amounts are added back as available amounts to the cash advances and statuses of the cash advances are updated accordingly.

What happens to the cash advances when reports are returned to the employee

Action taken on the report What happens to the cash advances that were applied to the report Example
Employee withdraws the expense report Cash advances will be removed from the report, the amounts are added back to the available cash advances, and the cash advance status are updated accordingly.

Employee applied a cash advance amount of 200 USD to the report from a total available amount of 500 USD. Now, the available amount is 300 USD.

When the employee withdraws the report, the cash advance of 200 USD is removed from the report and added back to the available amount. Now, the available cash advance amount is 500 USD.

Approver rejects the expense report

Auditor rejects the expense report

Auditor returns the expense report to the user

Invoice is canceled

  • Cash advances will be removed from the report and the amounts are added back to available cash advances.
  • A note is displayed that the cash advances were removed in the expense report notification, which is sent to the employee.

Employee applied a cash advance amount of 1000 USD to the report from a total available amount of 1000 USD. Now, the available amount is 0 USD.

When the auditor rejects the report, the cash advance of 1000 USD is removed from the report and added back to the available amount. Now, the available cash advance amount is 1000 USD.

Employee will see a note in the Expense Report Rejected by Auditor Notification that the cash advances were removed.
Auditor short-pays the expense report
  • When auditor short pays a report, the short paid expenses are split into a separate report. The cash advances that were applied are retained in the audited report. The cash advances that are applicable to the short paid report are removed and added back to available cash advances.
  • A note is displayed that the cash advances were removed in the expense report short-paid notification, which is sent to the employee.

Employee created an expense report with a meals expense of 200 USD and a miscellaneous expense of 350 USD. Employee applied a cash advance amount of 300 USD to the report from a total available amount of 1000 USD. Now, the available amount is 700 USD.

Auditor short-pays the miscellaneous expense in the report. So, the meals expense is now audited and the miscellaneous expense is short-paid and is split into a separate report. From the 300 USD cash advance amount that the employee applied to the report, 200 USD will still be applied to the meals expense of 200 USD. The remaining 100 USD that was applied will be removed from the short-paid miscellaneous expense and added back to the available amount. Now, the available cash advance amount is 800 USD.

Employee will see a note in the Short-Paid Report Notification that the cash advances were removed.

Auditor adjusts the expense report

Mileage adjustment

  • Cash advance will be adjusted and any excess amount is added back to available cash advances.
  • A note is displayed that the cash advances were adjusted in the expense report adjusted notification which is sent to the employee.

Employee created an expense report for a total reimbursable amount of 500 USD. Employee applied a cash advance amount of 500 USD to the report from a total available amount of 800 USD. Now, the available amount is 300 USD.

Auditor adjusts the report amount to 450 USD for policy compliance. The excess cash advance of 50 USD is removed from the report and added back to the available amount. Now, the available cash advance amount is 350 USD.

Employee will see a note in the Expense Report Adjusted by Auditor Notification that the cash advances were adjusted.