Detailed Tax Lines

The detailed tax lines view object contains the details of the tax lines for transactions of multiple event classes.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.FinExtractAM.ZxBiccExtractAM.DetailTaxLineExtractPVO

Primary Keys : DetailTaxLineTaxLineId

Initial Extract Date : DetailTaxLineCreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : DetailTaxLineLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
DetailTaxLineAccountSourceTaxRateId The tax rate from which the GL account should be derived. If the tax derives its GL account from another tax, then the identifier of the tax rate of the other tax is captured, That Is, the source tax for accounts is captured.
DetailTaxLineAdjustedDocApplicationId The unique identifier of the adjusted document application for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineAdjustedDocDate The date of the adjusted document for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineAdjustedDocEntityCode The entity code of the adjusted document for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineAdjustedDocEventClassCode The event class code of the adjusted document for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineAdjustedDocLineId The transaction line identifier of the adjusted document for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineAdjustedDocNumber The transaction number of the adjusted document for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineAdjustedDocTaxLineId The identifier of the tax line of the adjusted document for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineAdjustedDocTrxId The transaction identifier of the adjusted document for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineAdjustedDocTrxLevelType Indicates the level at which the identifier of the adjusted document line for the detailed tax line is stored. Possible values are LINE, SHIPMENT, and FREIGHT.
DetailTaxLineApplicationId The identifier of the application of the transaction for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineAppliedFromApplicationId The identifier of the application of the applied from document for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineAppliedFromEntityCode The identifier of the entity code of the applied from document for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineAppliedFromEventClassCode The identifier of the event class code of the applied from document for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineAppliedFromLineId The identifier of the transaction line of the applied from document for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineAppliedFromTrxId The identifier of the transaction of the applied from document for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineAppliedFromTrxLevelType Indicates the level at which the identifier of the applier from document line is stored for the detailed tax line. Possible values are LINE, SHIPMENT, and FREIGHT.
DetailTaxLineAppliedFromTrxNumber The transaction number of the applied from document for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineAppliedToApplicationId The identifier of the application of the applied to document for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineAppliedToEntityCode The identifier of the entity code of the applied to document for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineAppliedToEventClassCode The identifier of the event class code of the applied to document for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineAppliedToLineId The identifier of the transaction line of the applied to document for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineAppliedToTrxId The identifier of the transaction of the applied to document for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineAppliedToTrxLevelType Indicates the level at which the identifier of the applier to document line is stored for the detailed tax line. Possible values are LINE, SHIPMENT, and FREIGHT.
DetailTaxLineAppliedToTrxNumber The transaction number of the applied to document for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineAssociatedChildFrozenFlag Indicates whether one or more of the detail tax lines associated with this detailed tax line is frozen. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
DetailTaxLineAttribute1 A segment for the Detailed Tax Line descriptive flexfield.
DetailTaxLineAttribute10 A segment for the Detailed Tax Line descriptive flexfield.
DetailTaxLineAttribute11 A segment for the Detailed Tax Line descriptive flexfield.
DetailTaxLineAttribute12 A segment for the Detailed Tax Line descriptive flexfield.
DetailTaxLineAttribute13 A segment for the Detailed Tax Line descriptive flexfield.
DetailTaxLineAttribute14 A segment for the Detailed Tax Line descriptive flexfield.
DetailTaxLineAttribute15 A segment for the Detailed Tax Line descriptive flexfield.
DetailTaxLineAttribute2 A segment for the Detailed Tax Line descriptive flexfield.
DetailTaxLineAttribute3 A segment for the Detailed Tax Line descriptive flexfield.
DetailTaxLineAttribute4 A segment for the Detailed Tax Line descriptive flexfield.
DetailTaxLineAttribute5 A segment for the Detailed Tax Line descriptive flexfield.
DetailTaxLineAttribute6 A segment for the Detailed Tax Line descriptive flexfield.
DetailTaxLineAttribute7 A segment for the Detailed Tax Line descriptive flexfield.
DetailTaxLineAttribute8 A segment for the Detailed Tax Line descriptive flexfield.
DetailTaxLineAttribute9 A segment for the Detailed Tax Line descriptive flexfield.
DetailTaxLineAttributeCategory The context name for the Detailed Tax Line descriptive flexfield.
DetailTaxLineAttributeDate1 A segment of the date descriptive flexfield for the Detailed Tax Line.
DetailTaxLineAttributeDate2 A segment of the date descriptive flexfield for the Detailed Tax Line.
DetailTaxLineAttributeDate3 A segment of the date descriptive flexfield for the Detailed Tax Line.
DetailTaxLineAttributeDate4 A segment of the date descriptive flexfield for the Detailed Tax Line.
DetailTaxLineAttributeDate5 A segment of the date descriptive flexfield for the Detailed Tax Line.
DetailTaxLineAttributeNumber1 A segment of the number descriptive flexfield for the Detailed Tax Line.
DetailTaxLineAttributeNumber2 A segment of the number descriptive flexfield for the Detailed Tax Line.
DetailTaxLineAttributeNumber3 A segment of the number descriptive flexfield for the Detailed Tax Line.
DetailTaxLineAttributeNumber4 A segment of the number descriptive flexfield for the Detailed Tax Line.
DetailTaxLineAttributeNumber5 A segment of the number descriptive flexfield for the Detailed Tax Line.
DetailTaxLineBasisResultId The identifier of the process result obtained from the taxable basis determination process for this tax line.
DetailTaxLineCalTaxAmt The system calculated tax amount in transaction currency for the detailed tax line. In case the user overrides the tax amount, this value is updated with the overridden value. An override mark is indicated to show the overridden amount.
DetailTaxLineCalTaxAmtFunclCurr The system calculated tax amount in functional currency for the detailed tax line. This is same as the tax amount in functional currency if there is no user override.
DetailTaxLineCalTaxAmtTaxCurr The system calculated tax amount in the tax currency for the detailed tax line. This is same as the tax amount in tax currency if there is no user override.
DetailTaxLineCalTaxableAmt The Taxable amount calculated for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineCalcResultId The identifier of the process result obtained from the tax calculation process for this detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineCancelFlag Indicates whether this detailed tax line is canceled by the user. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
DetailTaxLineCompoundingDepTaxFlag Indicates whether this tax line is compounded on top of another tax line for the detailed tax line. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
DetailTaxLineCompoundingTaxFlag Indicates whether there exists any other tax line that is compounded on top of this tax line for the detailed tax line. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
DetailTaxLineCompoundingTaxMissFlag Indicates whether the tax line on top of which this tax line is compounded is missing for the detailed tax line. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
DetailTaxLineContentOwnerId The unique identifier of the party tax profile for the configuration owner of this detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineCopiedFromOtherDocFlag Indicates whether this detailed tax line is copied from another document like a reference document. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
DetailTaxLineCreatedBy The user who created the detailed tax line row.
DetailTaxLineCreationDate The date and time when the detailed tax line row was created.
DetailTaxLineCtrlTotalLineTxAmt The control amount for the total tax amount at the transaction line level.
DetailTaxLineCurrencyConversionDate The date of the exchange rate for converting the transaction currency to functional currency for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineCurrencyConversionRate The exchange rate for converting the transaction currency to functional currency for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineCurrencyConversionType The exchange rate type for converting the transaction currency to functional currency for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineDeleteFlag Indicates whether this detailed tax line is marked for deletion by the user. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
DetailTaxLineDirectRateResultId The identifier of the process result obtained from line determination process for this detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineDocEventStatus Indicates the event status of this detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineEnforceFromNaturalAcctFlag Indicates whether this tax line is enforced from natural account for the detailed tax line. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
DetailTaxLineEntityCode The entity code of the transaction for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineEstablishmentId The establishment identifier for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineEvalExcptResultId The identifier of the process result obtained from the exception evaluation process for this detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineEvalExmptResultId The identifier of the process result obtained from the exemption evaluation process for this detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineEventClassCode The event class code of the line for the detailed tax transaction.
DetailTaxLineEventTypeCode The event type code of the application for the detailed tax transaction.
DetailTaxLineExceptionRate The tax exception rate for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineExemptCertificateNumber The tax exemption certificate number for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineExemptRateModifier The percentage of the original tax rate that is exempt for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineExemptReason The tax exemption reason for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineExemptReasonCode The tax exemption reason code for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineFreezeUntilOverriddenFlag Indicates whether this tax line is enforced from the reference document even though it is not found applicable for the current document for the detailed tax line. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
DetailTaxLineGlobalAttribute1 A segment for the Detailed Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
DetailTaxLineGlobalAttribute10 A segment for the Detailed Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
DetailTaxLineGlobalAttribute11 A segment for the Detailed Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
DetailTaxLineGlobalAttribute12 A segment for the Detailed Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
DetailTaxLineGlobalAttribute13 A segment for the Detailed Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
DetailTaxLineGlobalAttribute14 A segment for the Detailed Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
DetailTaxLineGlobalAttribute15 A segment for the Detailed Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
DetailTaxLineGlobalAttribute16 A segment for the Detailed Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
DetailTaxLineGlobalAttribute17 A segment for the Detailed Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
DetailTaxLineGlobalAttribute18 A segment for the Detailed Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
DetailTaxLineGlobalAttribute19 A segment for the Detailed Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
DetailTaxLineGlobalAttribute2 A segment for the Detailed Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
DetailTaxLineGlobalAttribute20 A segment for the Detailed Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
DetailTaxLineGlobalAttribute3 A segment for the Detailed Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
DetailTaxLineGlobalAttribute4 A segment for the Detailed Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
DetailTaxLineGlobalAttribute5 A segment for the Detailed Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
DetailTaxLineGlobalAttribute6 A segment for the Detailed Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
DetailTaxLineGlobalAttribute7 A segment for the Detailed Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
DetailTaxLineGlobalAttribute8 A segment for the Detailed Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
DetailTaxLineGlobalAttribute9 A segment for the Detailed Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
DetailTaxLineGlobalAttributeCategory The context name for the Detailed Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
DetailTaxLineGlobalAttributeDate1 A segment of the date global descriptive flexfield for the Summary Tax Line.
DetailTaxLineGlobalAttributeDate2 A segment of the date global descriptive flexfield for the Summary Tax Line.
DetailTaxLineGlobalAttributeDate3 A segment of the date global descriptive flexfield for the Summary Tax Line.
DetailTaxLineGlobalAttributeDate4 A segment of the date global descriptive flexfield for the Summary Tax Line.
DetailTaxLineGlobalAttributeDate5 A segment of the date global descriptive flexfield for the Summary Tax Line.
DetailTaxLineGlobalAttributeNumber1 A segment of the number global descriptive flexfield for the Summary Tax Line.
DetailTaxLineGlobalAttributeNumber2 A segment of the number global descriptive flexfield for the Summary Tax Line.
DetailTaxLineGlobalAttributeNumber3 A segment of the number global descriptive flexfield for the Summary Tax Line.
DetailTaxLineGlobalAttributeNumber4 A segment of the number global descriptive flexfield for the Summary Tax Line.
DetailTaxLineGlobalAttributeNumber5 A segment of the number global descriptive flexfield for the Summary Tax Line.
DetailTaxLineHistoricalFlag Indicates whether this detailed tax line is migrated from prior releases. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
DetailTaxLineHqEstbPartyTaxProfId The identifier of the party tax profile of the first party HQ establishment for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineHqEstbRegNumber The tax registration number of the first party HQ establishment for this detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineInterfaceEntityCode The temporary entity code of the tax line interface table for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineInterfaceTaxLineId The temporary line corresponding to this detailed tax line during the import of transactions into Receivables.
DetailTaxLineInternalOrgLocationId The identifier of the location of the Internal organization of the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineInternalOrganizationId The identifier of the Internal organization of the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineItemDistChangedFlag Indicates whether the item distributions corresponding to the transaction line of this detailed tax line are changed. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
DetailTaxLineLastManualEntry Indicates the column that is last overridden by the user for the detailed tax line. Possible values are TAX_STATUS, TAX_RATE, TAX_RATE_CODE, and TAX_AMOUNT.
DetailTaxLineLastUpdateDate The date and time when the detailed tax line row was last updated.
DetailTaxLineLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the detailed tax line row.
DetailTaxLineLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the detailed tax line row.
DetailTaxLineLedgerId The identifier of the Ledger for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineLegalEntityId The identifier of the legal entity for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineLegalEntityTaxRegNumber The tax registration number of the legal entity for this detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineLegalJustificationText1 The legal justification used for migration purposes for this detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineLegalJustificationText2 The legal justification used for migration purposes for this detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineLegalJustificationText3 The legal justification used for migration purposes for this detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineLegalMessageAppl2 The legal message for the applicability of the tax for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineLegalMessageBasis The legal message for the taxable basis of the tax for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineLegalMessageCalc The legal message for the tax calculation of the tax for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineLegalMessageExcpt The legal message for the exceptions of the tax for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineLegalMessageExmpt The legal message for the exemptions of the tax for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineLegalMessagePos The legal message for the place of supply of the tax for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineLegalMessageRate The legal message for the rate determination of the tax for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineLegalMessageStatus The legal message for the status determination of the tax for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineLegalMessageThreshold The legal message for the thresholds of the tax for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineLegalMessageTrn The legal message for the registration number of the tax for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineLegalReportingStatus The status for the legal reporting of the tax for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineLineAmt The line amount of the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineLineAssessableValue The assessable value for this detailed tax line, That Is, this is the deemed price at which a product is valued, by a tax authority for a given tax, for tax calculation purposes.
DetailTaxLineManuallyEnteredFlag Indicates whether this detailed tax line is manually entered by the user. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
DetailTaxLineMinimumAccountableUnit The minimum accountable unit of the transaction currency for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineMrcLinkToTaxLineId The identifier of the source tax line in the currency of the transaction corresponding to which this detailed tax line is created if this tax line is in one of the multiple reporting currencies.
DetailTaxLineMrcTaxLineFlag Indicates whether this detailed tax line is for one of the multiple reporting currencies. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
DetailTaxLineMultipleJurisdictionsFlag Indicates whether the tax of this detailed tax line has multiple jurisdictions. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
DetailTaxLineNrecTaxAmt The total nonrecoverable tax amount in the currency of the transaction for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineNrecTaxAmtFunclCurr The total nonrecoverable tax amount in the functional currency for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineNrecTaxAmtTaxCurr The total nonrecoverable tax amount in the currency of the tax for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineObjectVersionNumber The number of times the detailed tax line row has been updated.
DetailTaxLineOffsetFlag Indicates whether this tax line is created for an offset tax. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
DetailTaxLineOffsetLinkToTaxLineId The identifier of the source tax line to which this tax line is associated if this tax line is created for an offset tax.
DetailTaxLineOffsetTaxRateCode The rate code of the offset tax for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineOrigSelfAssessedFlag The value of the self-assessed option before user overrides the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineOrigTaxAmt The value of the tax amount in the currency of the transaction currency before the user overrides the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineOrigTaxAmtIncludedFlag The tax amount included options before the detailed tax line is overridden.
DetailTaxLineOrigTaxAmtTaxCurr The value of the tax amount in the currency of the tax before the user overrides the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineOrigTaxJurisdictionCode The value of the tax jurisdiction code before the user overrides the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineOrigTaxJurisdictionId The identifier of the tax jurisdiction before the user overrides the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineOrigTaxPointDate The value of the tax point date before the user overrides the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineOrigTaxRate The value of the tax rate before the user overrides the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineOrigTaxRateCode The value of the tax rate code before the user overrides the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineOrigTaxRateId The identifier of the tax rate before the user overrides the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineOrigTaxStatusCode The value of tax status code before the user overrides the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineOrigTaxStatusId The identifier of the tax status before the user overrides the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineOrigTaxableAmt The value of the taxable amount before the user overrides the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineOrigTaxableAmtTaxCurr The value of the taxable amount in the currency of the tax before the user overrides the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineOtherDocLineAmt The line amount on the other document for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineOtherDocLineTaxAmt The line tax amount on the other document for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineOtherDocLineTaxableAmt The taxable amount on the other document for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineOtherDocSource The source of other documents for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineOverriddenFlag Indicates whether the user has overridden this detailed tax line. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
DetailTaxLinePlaceOfSupply The identifier of the place of supply of this detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLinePlaceOfSupplyResultId The identifier of the process result obtained from the place of supply determination process for this detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLinePlaceOfSupplyTypeCode The identifier for the place of supply type for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLinePrdTotalTaxAmt The prorated total tax amount for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLinePrdTotalTaxAmtFunclCurr The prorated total tax amount in functional currency for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLinePrdTotalTaxAmtTaxCurr The prorated total tax amount in the currency of the tax for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLinePrecision The precision of the currency of the transaction for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineProcessForRecoveryFlag Indicates whether the recoverable tax amount needs to be determined for this tax line. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
DetailTaxLinePurgeFlag Indicates whether this detailed tax line is marked for purge. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
DetailTaxLineRateResultId The identifier of the process result obtained from the rate determination process for this detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineRecTaxAmt The total recoverable tax amount in the currency of the transaction for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineRecTaxAmtFunclCurr The total recoverable tax amount in the functional currency for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineRecTaxAmtTaxCurr The total recoverable tax amount in the currency of the tax for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineRecalcRequiredFlag Indicates whether this tax line needs to be recalculated when an inclusive tax line is overridden or a tax line on top of which this tax line is compounded. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
DetailTaxLineRecordTypeCode The source from which the detailed tax line row is created. Possible values are FUSION_WHT_MIGRATED, SEEDED, USER_DEFINED, MIGRATED, and FUSION_RI_UPLOAD.
DetailTaxLineRefDocApplicationId The identifier of the application of the reference document for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineRefDocEntityCode The entity code of the reference document for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineRefDocEventClassCode The event class code of the reference document for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineRefDocLineId The identifier of the transaction line of the reference document for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineRefDocLineQuantity The line quantity of the reference document for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineRefDocTrxId The identifier of the transaction of the reference document for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineRefDocTrxLevelType Indicates the level at which the line identifier of the reference document is stored. Possible values are LINE, SHIPMENT, and FREIGHT.
DetailTaxLineRegistrationPartyType Indicates the party type that is used to determine the tax registration number for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineRelatedDocApplicationId The identifier of the application of the related document for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineRelatedDocDate The date of the related document for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineRelatedDocEntityCode The entity code of the related document for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineRelatedDocEventClassCode The event class code of the related document for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineRelatedDocNumber The transaction number of the related document for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineRelatedDocTrxId The identifier of the primary transaction of the related document for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineReportableFlag Indicates whether this detailed tax line is reportable. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
DetailTaxLineReportingCurrencyCode The reporting currency code for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineReportingOnlyFlag Indicates whether this detailed tax line is created for reporting purpose only. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
DetailTaxLineReportingPeriodId The identifier of the period when this detailed tax line is reported.
DetailTaxLineReversedTaxLineId The identifier of the tax line that is reversed by this detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineRoundingLevelCode The rounding level code for this detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineRoundingLvlPartyTaxProfId The identifier of the party tax profile of the third party used for determining the rounding level code of the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineRoundingLvlPartyType The type of party used for determining the rounding level code of the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineRoundingRuleCode The rounding rule code for the tax of the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineSelfAssessedFlag Indicates whether this detailed tax line is a self-assessed tax line. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
DetailTaxLineStatusResultId The identifier of the process result obtained from the status determination process for this detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineSummaryTaxLineId The identifier of the summary tax line for this detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineSyncWithPrvdrFlag Indicates whether this detailed tax line needs to be synchronized with the third party service provider. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
DetailTaxLineTax The tax code associated with the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTaxAmt The tax amount in the currency of the transaction for the detailed tax line. In case the user overrides the tax amount, this value is updated with the overridden value, and the override mark will indicate that this amount has been overridden.
DetailTaxLineTaxAmtFunclCurr The tax amount in the functional currency for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTaxAmtIncludedFlag Indicates whether the tax is considered as inclusive for this detailed tax line. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
DetailTaxLineTaxAmtTaxCurr The tax amount in the currency of the tax for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTaxApplicabilityResultId The identifier of the process result obtained from the tax applicability determination process for this detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTaxApportionmentFlag Indicates whether there are multiple tax lines created for the tax of this detailed tax line during migration from prior releases. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
DetailTaxLineTaxApportionmentLineNumber The apportionment line number for this detailed tax line when multiple tax lines are created for the same tax during migration from prior releases.
DetailTaxLineTaxBaseModifierRate The modifier rate used for taxable basis determination for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTaxCalculationFormula The formula code used for determining the tax amount for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTaxCode The tax classification code for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTaxCurrencyCode The currency code of the tax for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTaxCurrencyConversionDate The date of the exchange rate for converting the currency of the tax to functional currency for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTaxCurrencyConversionRate The exchange rate for converting the currency of the tax to functional currency for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTaxCurrencyConversionType The exchange rate type for converting the currency of the tax to functional currency for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTaxDate The date on the current transaction based on which applicable tax rates and rules are determined for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTaxDateRuleId The identifier of the tax rule used to determine the tax date for this detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTaxDetermineDate The actual date used for determining the applicable tax rates and rules. If the adjusted document is present, this is the tax date of the adjusted document, else, it is the same as the tax date of this tax line.
DetailTaxLineTaxEventClassCode The event class code of the tax for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTaxEventTypeCode The event type code of the detailed tax transaction.
DetailTaxLineTaxExceptionId The identifier of the tax exception used in determination of the effective tax rate for this detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTaxExemptionId The identifier of the tax exemption used in determination of the effective tax rate for this detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTaxHoldCode The name of tax hold code for payables for this detailed tax line. Possible values are TAX VARIANCE, TAX AMOUNT RANGE, and sum of TAX VARIANCE and TAX AMOUNT RANGE.
DetailTaxLineTaxHoldReleasedCode The name of tax hold release code for payables for this detailed tax line. Possible values are TAX VARIANCE CORRECTED, TAX AMOUNT RANGE CORRECTED, and sum of TAX VARIANCE and TAX AMOUNT RANGE CORRECTED.
DetailTaxLineTaxId The identifier of the tax associated with the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTaxJurisdictionCode The tax jurisdiction code associated with the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTaxJurisdictionId The identifier of the tax jurisdiction associated with the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTaxLineId The identifier of the tax line associated with the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTaxLineNumber The line number generated for this detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTaxOnlyLineFlag Indicates whether this detailed tax line is a tax only line. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
DetailTaxLineTaxPointBasis The tax point basis for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTaxPointDate The date on which the taxpayer becomes liable for paying the tax to the tax authority. Possible values are the delivery date, the invoice date, and the pickup date.
DetailTaxLineTaxProviderId The identifier of the party tax profile of the third party service provider that has determined the tax on this detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTaxRate The tax rate used to determine tax for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTaxRateBeforeException The tax rate before the exception is applied for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTaxRateBeforeExemption The tax rate before the exemption is applied for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTaxRateCode The tax rate code associated with the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTaxRateId The identifier of the tax rate for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTaxRateNameBeforeException The tax rate name before the exception is applied for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTaxRateNameBeforeExemption The tax rate name before the exemption is applied for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTaxRateType Indicates the type of tax rate for the detailed tax line. Possible values include PERCENTAGE, QUANTITY, and RECOVERY.
DetailTaxLineTaxRegNumDetResultId The identifier of the process result obtained from the tax registration number determination process for this detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTaxRegimeCode The tax regime code associated with the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTaxRegimeId The identifier of the tax regime associated with the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTaxRegimeTemplateId The identifier of determining factor template used for regime determination for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTaxRegistrationId The identifier of the registration of the tax for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTaxRegistrationNumber The tax registration number for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTaxStatusCode The tax status code associated with the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTaxStatusId The identifier of the tax status associated with the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTaxTypeCode The tax type for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTaxableAmt The taxable amount in the currency of the transaction for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTaxableAmtFunclCurr The taxable amount in functional currency for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTaxableAmtTaxCurr The taxable amount in the currency of the tax for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTaxableBasisFormula The formula code used for determining the taxable basis amount for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTaxingJurisGeographyId The identifier of the geography for the tax jurisdiction of this detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineThreshResultId The identifier of the process result obtained from the threshold evaluation process for this detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTrxCurrencyCode The currency code for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTrxDate The date of the transaction for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTrxId The identifier of the transaction for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTrxIdLevel2 The identifier of the transaction for the detailed tax line at a level between trx_id and trx_line_id.
DetailTaxLineTrxIdLevel3 The identifier of the transaction for the detailed tax line at a level between trx_id and trx_line_id.
DetailTaxLineTrxIdLevel4 The identifier of the transaction for the detailed tax line at a level between trx_id and trx_line_id.
DetailTaxLineTrxIdLevel5 The identifier of the transaction for the detailed tax line at a level between trx_id and trx_line_id.
DetailTaxLineTrxIdLevel6 The identifier of the transaction for the detailed tax line at a level between trx_id and trx_line_id.
DetailTaxLineTrxLevelType Indicates the level at which the transaction line identifier is stored for the detailed tax line. Possible values are LINE, SHIPMENT, and FREIGHT.
DetailTaxLineTrxLineDate The date of the transaction line for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTrxLineId The unique identifier of the detailed tax line. This is a primary key of the Summary Tax Lines view object.
DetailTaxLineTrxLineNumber The line number of the transaction for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTrxLineQuantity The quantity of the line of the transaction for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTrxNumber The number of the transaction for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTrxUserKeyLevel1 The unique identifier of the first component of the user composite key for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTrxUserKeyLevel2 The unique identifier of the second component of the user composite key for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTrxUserKeyLevel3 The unique identifier of the third component of the user composite key for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTrxUserKeyLevel4 The unique identifier of the fourth component of the user composite key for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTrxUserKeyLevel5 The unique identifier of the fifth component of the user composite key for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTrxUserKeyLevel6 The unique identifier of the sixth component of the user composite key for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineUnitPrice The unit Price of the transaction line item or product for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineUnroundedTaxAmt The unrounded tax amount for this detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineUnroundedTaxableAmt The unrounded taxable amount for this detailed tax line.