Summary Tax Lines

The summary tax lines view object contains the details of the summary tax lines for transactions of multiple event classes.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.FinExtractAM.ZxBiccExtractAM.SummaryTaxLineExtractPVO

Primary Keys : SummaryTaxLineSummaryTaxLineId

Initial Extract Date : SummaryTaxLineCreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : SummaryTaxLineLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
SummaryTaxLineAdjDocHdrTrxUserKey1 The unique identifier of the first component of the header level user composite key of the adjusted document for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineAdjDocHdrTrxUserKey2 The unique identifier of the second component of the header level user composite key of the adjusted document for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineAdjDocHdrTrxUserKey3 The unique identifier of the third component of the header level user composite key of the adjusted document for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineAdjDocHdrTrxUserKey4 The unique identifier of the fourth component of the header level user composite key of the adjusted document for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineAdjDocHdrTrxUserKey5 The unique identifier of the fifth component of the header level user composite key of the adjusted document for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineAdjDocHdrTrxUserKey6 The unique identifier of the sixth component of the header level user composite key of the adjusted document for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineAdjustTaxAmtFlag Indicates whether tax amount needs to be adjusted on the corresponding detail tax lines to ensure that the sum of all detail lines equals the amount on the summary line, when the user overrides or enters this summary tax line. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
SummaryTaxLineAdjustedDocApplicationId The unique identifier of the adjusted document application for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineAdjustedDocEntityCode The entity code of the adjusted document for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineAdjustedDocEventClassCode The event class code of the adjusted document for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineAdjustedDocTrxId The transaction identifier of the adjusted document for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineAdjustedDocTrxLevelType Indicates the level at which the identifier of the adjusted document line is stored for the summary tax line. Possible values are LINE, SHIPMENT, and FREIGHT.
SummaryTaxLineAppFromLinTrxUserKey1 The unique identifier of the first component of the line-level user composite key for the applied from document line for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineAppFromLinTrxUserKey2 The unique identifier of the second component of the line-level user composite key for the applied from document line for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineAppFromLinTrxUserKey3 The unique identifier of the third component of the line-level user composite key for the applied from document line for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineAppFromLinTrxUserKey4 The unique identifier of the fourth component of the line-level user composite key for the applied from document line for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineAppFromLinTrxUserKey5 The unique identifier of the fifth component of the line-level user composite key for the applied from document line for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineAppFromLinTrxUserKey6 The unique identifier of the sixth component of the line-level user composite key for the applied from document line for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineAppToHdrTrxUserKey1 The unique identifier of the first component of the header level user composite key for the applied to document for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineAppToHdrTrxUserKey2 The unique identifier of the second component of the header level user composite key for the applied to document for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineAppToHdrTrxUserKey3 The unique identifier of the third component of the header level user composite key for the applied to document for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineAppToHdrTrxUserKey4 The unique identifier of the fourth component of the header level user composite key for the applied to document for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineAppToHdrTrxUserKey5 The unique identifier of the fifth component of the header level user composite key for the applied to document for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineAppToHdrTrxUserKey6 The unique identifier of the sixth component of the header level user composite key for the applied to document for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineAppToLinTrxUserKey1 The unique identifier of the first component of the line-level user composite key for the applied to document line for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineAppToLinTrxUserKey2 The unique identifier of the second component of the line-level user composite key for the applied to document line for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineAppToLinTrxUserKey3 The unique identifier of the third component of the line-level user composite key for the applied to document line for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineAppToLinTrxUserKey4 The unique identifier of the fourth component of the line-level user composite key for the applied to document line for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineAppToLinTrxUserKey5 The unique identifier of the fifth component of the line-level user composite key for the applied to document line for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineAppToLinTrxUserKey6 The unique identifier of the sixth component of the line-level user composite key for the applied to document line for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineApplicationId The identifier of the application of the transaction for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineAppliedFromApplicationId The identifier of the application of the applied from document for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineAppliedFromEntityCode The identifier of the entity code of the applied from document for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineAppliedFromEventClassCode The identifier of the event class code of the applied from document for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineAppliedFromLineId The identifier of the transaction line of the applied from document for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineAppliedFromTrxId The identifier of the transaction of the applied from document for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineAppliedFromTrxLevelType Indicates the level at which the identifier of the applier from document line is stored for the summary tax line. Possible values are LINE, SHIPMENT, and FREIGHT.
SummaryTaxLineAppliedToApplicationId The identifier of the application of the applied to document for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineAppliedToEntityCode The identifier of the entity code of the applied to document for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineAppliedToEventClassCode The identifier of the event class code of the applied to document for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineAppliedToLineId The identifier of the transaction line of the applied to document for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineAppliedToTrxId The identifier of the transaction of the applied to document for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineAppliedToTrxLevelType Indicates the level at which the identifier of the applier to document line is stored for the summary tax line. Possible values are LINE, SHIPMENT, and FREIGHT.
SummaryTaxLineAssociatedChildFrozenFlag Indicates whether one or more of the detail tax lines associated with this summary tax line is frozen. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
SummaryTaxLineAttribute1 A segment for the Summary Tax Line descriptive flexfield.
SummaryTaxLineAttribute10 A segment for the Summary Tax Line descriptive flexfield.
SummaryTaxLineAttribute11 A segment for the Summary Tax Line descriptive flexfield.
SummaryTaxLineAttribute12 A segment for the Summary Tax Line descriptive flexfield.
SummaryTaxLineAttribute13 A segment for the Summary Tax Line descriptive flexfield.
SummaryTaxLineAttribute14 A segment for the Summary Tax Line descriptive flexfield.
SummaryTaxLineAttribute15 A segment for the Summary Tax Line descriptive flexfield.
SummaryTaxLineAttribute2 A segment for the Summary Tax Line descriptive flexfield.
SummaryTaxLineAttribute3 A segment for the Summary Tax Line descriptive flexfield.
SummaryTaxLineAttribute4 A segment for the Summary Tax Line descriptive flexfield.
SummaryTaxLineAttribute5 A segment for the Summary Tax Line descriptive flexfield.
SummaryTaxLineAttribute6 A segment for the Summary Tax Line descriptive flexfield.
SummaryTaxLineAttribute7 A segment for the Summary Tax Line descriptive flexfield.
SummaryTaxLineAttribute8 A segment for the Summary Tax Line descriptive flexfield.
SummaryTaxLineAttribute9 A segment for the Summary Tax Line descriptive flexfield.
SummaryTaxLineAttributeCategory The context name for the Summary Tax Line descriptive flexfield.
SummaryTaxLineAttributeDate1 A segment of the date descriptive flexfield for the Summary Tax Line.
SummaryTaxLineAttributeDate2 A segment of the date descriptive flexfield for the Summary Tax Line.
SummaryTaxLineAttributeDate3 A segment of the date descriptive flexfield for the Summary Tax Line.
SummaryTaxLineAttributeDate4 A segment of the date descriptive flexfield for the Summary Tax Line.
SummaryTaxLineAttributeDate5 A segment of the date descriptive flexfield for the Summary Tax Line.
SummaryTaxLineAttributeNumber1 A segment of the number descriptive flexfield for the Summary Tax Line.
SummaryTaxLineAttributeNumber2 A segment of the number descriptive flexfield for the Summary Tax Line.
SummaryTaxLineAttributeNumber3 A segment of the number descriptive flexfield for the Summary Tax Line.
SummaryTaxLineAttributeNumber4 A segment of the number descriptive flexfield for the Summary Tax Line.
SummaryTaxLineAttributeNumber5 A segment of the number descriptive flexfield for the Summary Tax Line.
SummaryTaxLineCancelFlag Indicates whether this summary tax line is canceled by the user. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
SummaryTaxLineCompoundingTaxFlag Indicates if any other existing tax line is compounded on top of this tax line. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
SummaryTaxLineContentOwnerId The unique identifier of party tax profile for the configuration owner of this summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineCopiedFromOtherDocFlag Indicates whether this summary tax line is copied from another document like a reference document. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
SummaryTaxLineCreatedBy The user who created the summary tax line row.
SummaryTaxLineCreationDate The date and time when the summary tax line row was created.
SummaryTaxLineCurrencyConversionDate The date of the exchange rate for converting the transaction currency to the functional currency for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineCurrencyConversionRate The exchange rate for converting the transaction currency to the functional currency for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineCurrencyConversionType The exchange rate type for converting the transaction currency to the functional currency for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineDeleteFlag Indicates whether this summary tax line is marked for deletion by the user. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
SummaryTaxLineEntityCode The entity code of the transaction for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineEstablishmentId The establishment identifier for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineEventClassCode The event class code of the summary tax transaction.
SummaryTaxLineExceptionRate The tax exception rate for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineExemptCertificateNumber The tax exemption certificate number for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineExemptRateModifier The percentage of the original tax rate that is exempt for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineExemptReason The tax exemption reason for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineExemptReasonCode The tax exemption reason code for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineGlobalAttribute1 A segment for the Summary Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
SummaryTaxLineGlobalAttribute10 A segment for the Summary Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
SummaryTaxLineGlobalAttribute11 A segment for the Summary Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
SummaryTaxLineGlobalAttribute12 A segment for the Summary Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
SummaryTaxLineGlobalAttribute13 A segment for the Summary Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
SummaryTaxLineGlobalAttribute14 A segment for the Summary Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
SummaryTaxLineGlobalAttribute15 A segment for the Summary Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
SummaryTaxLineGlobalAttribute16 A segment for the Summary Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
SummaryTaxLineGlobalAttribute17 A segment for the Summary Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
SummaryTaxLineGlobalAttribute18 A segment for the Summary Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
SummaryTaxLineGlobalAttribute19 A segment for the Summary Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
SummaryTaxLineGlobalAttribute2 A segment for the Summary Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
SummaryTaxLineGlobalAttribute20 A segment for the Summary Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
SummaryTaxLineGlobalAttribute3 A segment for the Summary Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
SummaryTaxLineGlobalAttribute4 A segment for the Summary Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
SummaryTaxLineGlobalAttribute5 A segment for the Summary Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
SummaryTaxLineGlobalAttribute6 A segment for the Summary Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
SummaryTaxLineGlobalAttribute7 A segment for the Summary Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
SummaryTaxLineGlobalAttribute8 A segment for the Summary Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
SummaryTaxLineGlobalAttribute9 A segment for the Summary Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
SummaryTaxLineGlobalAttributeCategory The context name for the Summary Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
SummaryTaxLineHistoricalFlag Indicates whether this summary tax line is migrated from prior releases. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
SummaryTaxLineInternalOrganizationId The identifier of the Internal organization of the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineLastManualEntry Indicates the column that is last overridden by the user for the summary tax line. Possible values are TAX_STATUS, TAX_RATE, TAX_RATE_CODE, and TAX_AMOUNT.
SummaryTaxLineLastUpdateDate The date and time when the summary tax line row was last updated.
SummaryTaxLineLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the summary tax line row.
SummaryTaxLineLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the summary tax line row.
SummaryTaxLineLedgerId The identifier of the Ledger for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineLegalEntityId The identifier of the legal entity for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineManuallyEnteredFlag Indicates whether this summary tax line is manually entered by the user. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
SummaryTaxLineMrcTaxLineFlag Indicates whether this summary tax line is for one of the multiple reporting currencies. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
SummaryTaxLineObjectVersionNumber The number of times the summary tax line row has been updated.
SummaryTaxLineOverriddenFlag Indicates whether the user has overridden this summary tax line. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
SummaryTaxLineRecordTypeCode The source from which the summary tax line row is created. Possible values are FUSION_WHT_MIGRATED, SEEDED, USER_DEFINED, MIGRATED, and FUSION_RI_UPLOAD.
SummaryTaxLineReportingOnlyFlag Indicates whether this summary tax line is created for reporting purposes only. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
SummaryTaxLineSelfAssessedFlag Indicates whether this tax line is a self-assessed. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
SummaryTaxLineSummarizationTemplateId The identifier of the determining factor template used for summarization.
SummaryTaxLineSummaryTaxLineId The unique identifier of the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineSummaryTaxLineNumber The line number generated for this summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineTax The tax code associated with the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineTaxAmt The total tax amount in the currency of the transaction for the summary tax line. In case the user overrides the tax amount, this value is updated with the overridden value, and the override mark will indicate that this amount has been overridden.
SummaryTaxLineTaxAmtFunclCurr The total tax amount in the functional currency for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineTaxAmtIncludedFlag Indicates whether tax is inclusive for this summary tax line. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
SummaryTaxLineTaxAmtTaxCurr The total tax amount in the currency of the tax for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineTaxCalculationFormula The formula code used for determining the tax amount for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineTaxExceptionId The identifier of the tax exception for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineTaxExemptionId The identifier of the tax exemption for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineTaxJurisdictionCode The tax jurisdiction code associated with the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineTaxOnlyLineFlag Indicates whether this is a tax only line. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
SummaryTaxLineTaxProviderId The identifier of the party tax profile of the third party service provider that has determined the tax on this summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineTaxRate The tax rate used to determine tax for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineTaxRateBeforeException The tax rate before the exception is applied for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineTaxRateBeforeExemption The tax rate before the exemption is applied for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineTaxRateCode The tax rate code associated with the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineTaxRateId The identifier of the tax rate for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineTaxRateNameBeforeException The tax rate name before the exception is applied for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineTaxRateNameBeforeExemption The tax rate name before the exemption is applied for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineTaxRegimeCode The tax regime code associated with the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineTaxStatusCode The tax status code associated with the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineTaxableBasisFormula The formula code used for determining the taxable basis amount for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineTotalNrecTaxAmt The total nonrecoverable tax amount in the currency of the transaction for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineTotalNrecTaxAmtFunclCurr The total nonrecoverable tax amount in the functional currency for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineTotalNrecTaxAmtTaxCurr The total nonrecoverable tax amount in the currency of the tax for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineTotalRecTaxAmt The total recoverable tax amount in the currency of the transaction for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineTotalRecTaxAmtFunclCurr The total recoverable tax amount in the functional currency for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineTotalRecTaxAmtTaxCurr The total recoverable tax amount in the currency of the tax for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineTrxId The unique identifier of the summary tax line. This is a primary key of the Summary Tax Lines view object.
SummaryTaxLineTrxLevelType Indicates the level at which the transaction line identifier is stored for the summary tax line. Possible values are LINE, SHIPMENT, and FREIGHT.
SummaryTaxLineTrxNumber The transaction number for the summary tax line.