Tax Jurisdictions

The tax jurisdictions view object contains the configuration details of a specific tax jurisdiction.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.FinExtractAM.ZxBiccExtractAM.TaxJurisdictionExtractPVO

Primary Keys : TaxJurisdictionTaxJurisdictionId

Initial Extract Date : TaxJurisdictionCreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : TaxJurisdictionLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
TaxJurisdictionAllowTaxRegistrationsFlag Indicates whether the tax registrations are allowed for this tax jurisdiction. Possible values are Y for standard jurisdiction and N for the override and inner city jurisdictions.
TaxJurisdictionAttributeCategory The context name for the Tax Jurisdiction descriptive flexfield.
TaxJurisdictionCollTaxAuthorityId The unique identifier of the party tax profile for the tax authority to whom this tax is remitted for this tax jurisdiction.
TaxJurisdictionCreatedBy The user who created the tax jurisdiction row.
TaxJurisdictionCreationDate The date and time when the tax jurisdiction row was created.
TaxJurisdictionDefaultFlgEffectiveFrom The start date from which the tax jurisdiction can be used as the default tax jurisdiction.
TaxJurisdictionDefaultFlgEffectiveTo The last date on which the tax jurisdiction can be used as the default tax jurisdiction.
TaxJurisdictionDefaultJurisdictionFlag Indicates whether the tax jurisdiction is identified as the default jurisdiction for the tax. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TaxJurisdictionEffectiveFrom The effective start date for the tax jurisdiction.
TaxJurisdictionEffectiveTo The effective end date for the tax jurisdiction.
TaxJurisdictionInnerCityJurisdictionFlag Indicates whether inner city jurisdiction is allowed for this tax jurisdiction. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TaxJurisdictionLastUpdateDate The date and time when the tax jurisdiction row was last updated.
TaxJurisdictionLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the tax jurisdiction row.
TaxJurisdictionLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the tax jurisdiction row.
TaxJurisdictionObjectVersionNumber The number of times the tax jurisdiction row has been updated.
TaxJurisdictionPrecedenceLevel Indicates the precedence level of this tax jurisdiction.
TaxJurisdictionRecordTypeCode The source from which the tax jurisdiction row is created. Possible values are FUSION_WHT_MIGRATED, SEEDED, USER_DEFINED, MIGRATED, and FUSION_RI_UPLOAD.
TaxJurisdictionRepTaxAuthorityId The unique identifier of party tax profile for the tax authority responsible for administering the jurisdiction.
TaxJurisdictionTLCreatedBy1 The user who created the translated tax jurisdiction row.
TaxJurisdictionTLCreationDate1 The date and time when the translated tax jurisdiction row was created.
TaxJurisdictionTLLanguage The code for the language in which the tax jurisdiction details are translated.
TaxJurisdictionTLLastUpdateDate1 The date and time when the translated tax jurisdiction row was last updated.
TaxJurisdictionTLLastUpdateLogin1 The session login associated with the user who last updated the translated jurisdiction row.
TaxJurisdictionTLLastUpdatedBy1 The user who last updated the translated tax jurisdiction row.
TaxJurisdictionTLSourceLang The code for the original language of the translated tax jurisdiction details.
TaxJurisdictionTLTaxJurisdictionId The unique identifier of the translated tax jurisdiction.
TaxJurisdictionTLTaxJurisdictionName The translated tax jurisdiction name.
TaxJurisdictionTax The tax code associated with the tax jurisdiction.
TaxJurisdictionTaxAcctSrcJurisdictId The identifier of the source tax jurisdiction to determine the default general ledger accounts for this tax jurisdiction.
TaxJurisdictionTaxExmptSrcJurisdictId The identifier of the source tax jurisdiction that is used to determine the exemption for this tax jurisdiction, if a specific exemption is not found.
TaxJurisdictionTaxJurisdictionCode The unique identifier of the tax jurisdiction row when combined with tax regime code and tax.
TaxJurisdictionTaxJurisdictionId The unique identifier of the tax jurisdiction. This is a primary key of the Tax Jurisdictions view object.
TaxJurisdictionTaxRegimeCode The tax regime code associated with the tax jurisdiction.
TaxJurisdictionThrshldScheduleGrpLvlFlag The threshold schedule group level indicator for this tax jurisdiction. Possible values are L for Line, D for Document, P for Period, and S for Set.
TaxJurisdictionUniquenessValidationLevel The duplicate validation level for the tax registration number for this tax jurisdiction.
TaxJurisdictionValidationLevel The validation level for the tax registration number validation to be performed for the selected validation type for this tax jurisdiction. Possible values are ERROR, WARNING, and NONE.
TaxJurisdictionValidationType The validation type defined for registration number validation for this tax jurisdiction.
TaxJurisdictionWhtBucketLevelFlag The level at which withholding tax buckets are maintained. Possible values are P for Party and A for All.
TaxJurisdictionZoneGeographyId The Tax Zone that corresponds to this Jurisdiction.