Tax Rates

The tax rates view object contains the configuration details of a specific tax rate.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.FinExtractAM.ZxBiccExtractAM.TaxRatesExtractPVO

Primary Keys : TaxRatesTaxRateId

Initial Extract Date : TaxRatesCreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : TaxRatesLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
TaxRatesActiveFlag Indicates whether this tax rate is active. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TaxRatesAdjForAdhocAmtCode Indicates whether tax rate or taxable basis is to be adjusted when tax amount is changed for tax lines with ad hoc tax rate.
TaxRatesAllowAdhocTaxRateFlag Indicates whether ad hoc tax rate is allowed for this tax rate. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TaxRatesAllowExceptionsFlag Indicates whether exceptions are allowed for this tax rate. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TaxRatesAllowExemptionsFlag Indicates whether exemptions are allowed for this tax rate. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TaxRatesAttribute1 A segment for the Tax Rates descriptive flexfield.
TaxRatesAttribute10 A segment for the Tax Rates descriptive flexfield.
TaxRatesAttribute11 A segment for the Tax Rates descriptive flexfield.
TaxRatesAttribute12 A segment for the Tax Rates descriptive flexfield.
TaxRatesAttribute13 A segment for the Tax Rates descriptive flexfield.
TaxRatesAttribute14 A segment for the Tax Rates descriptive flexfield.
TaxRatesAttribute15 A segment for the Tax Rates descriptive flexfield.
TaxRatesAttribute2 A segment for the Tax Rates descriptive flexfield.
TaxRatesAttribute3 A segment for the Tax Rates descriptive flexfield.
TaxRatesAttribute4 A segment for the Tax Rates descriptive flexfield.
TaxRatesAttribute5 A segment for the Tax Rates descriptive flexfield.
TaxRatesAttribute6 A segment for the Tax Rates descriptive flexfield.
TaxRatesAttribute7 A segment for the Tax Rates descriptive flexfield.
TaxRatesAttribute8 A segment for the Tax Rates descriptive flexfield.
TaxRatesAttribute9 A segment for the Tax Rates descriptive flexfield.
TaxRatesAttributeCategory The context name for the Tax Rates descriptive flexfield.
TaxRatesAttributeDate1 A segment of the date descriptive flexfield for the Tax Rates.
TaxRatesAttributeDate2 A segment of the date descriptive flexfield for the Tax Rates.
TaxRatesAttributeDate3 A segment of the date descriptive flexfield for the Tax Rates.
TaxRatesAttributeDate4 A segment of the date descriptive flexfield for the Tax Rates.
TaxRatesAttributeDate5 A segment of the date descriptive flexfield for the Tax Rates.
TaxRatesAttributeNumber1 A segment of the number descriptive flexfield for the Tax Rates.
TaxRatesAttributeNumber2 A segment of the number descriptive flexfield for the Tax Rates.
TaxRatesAttributeNumber3 A segment of the number descriptive flexfield for the Tax Rates.
TaxRatesAttributeNumber4 A segment of the number descriptive flexfield for the Tax Rates.
TaxRatesAttributeNumber5 A segment of the number descriptive flexfield for the Tax Rates.
TaxRatesContentOwnerId The unique identifier of party tax profile for the configuration owner of this tax rate.
TaxRatesCreatedBy The user who created the tax rate row.
TaxRatesCreationDate The date and time when the tax rate row was created.
TaxRatesDefRecSettlementOptionCode Indicates whether an input tax can be recovered when an invoice is recorded or only when the invoice is paid and whether an output tax is due for settlement when the invoice is issued or only when the payment is received against it. Possible values are ACCOUNTING, DELIVERY, INVOICE and PAYMENT.
TaxRatesDefaultFlgEffectiveFrom The start date from which the tax rate can be used as the default tax rate.
TaxRatesDefaultFlgEffectiveTo The last date on which the tax rate can be used as the default tax rate.
TaxRatesDefaultRateFlag Indicates whether this is the default rate code for the status or jurisdiction. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TaxRatesDefaultRecRateCode The default recovery rate code associated with this tax rate. This is applicable only for status based rates.
TaxRatesDefaultRecTypeCode The recovery type code for the default recovery rate code associated with this tax rate. This is applicable only for status based rates.
TaxRatesDescription The tax rate description.
TaxRatesEffectiveFrom The effective start date for the tax rate.
TaxRatesEffectiveTo The effective end date for the tax rate.
TaxRatesInclusiveTaxFlag Indicates whether this tax rate is tax inclusive by default. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TaxRatesLastUpdateDate The date and time when the tax rate row was last updated.
TaxRatesLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the tax rate row.
TaxRatesLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the tax rate row.
TaxRatesObjectVersionNumber The number of times the tax rate row has been updated.
TaxRatesOffsetStatusCode The tax status code of the offset rate code associated with this tax rate.
TaxRatesOffsetTax The tax of the offset rate code associated with this tax rate.
TaxRatesOffsetTaxRateCode The offset tax rate code associated with this tax rate.
TaxRatesPercentageRate The percentage of the tax rate if this is a percentage based rate.
TaxRatesQuantityRate The tax rate value if this is a quantity-based rate.
TaxRatesRateTypeCode Indicates the tax rate type for this tax rate. Possible values are PERCENTAGE, QUANTITY, and UNIT PRICE RATE SCHEDULE.
TaxRatesRecordTypeCode The source from which the tax rates row is created. Possible values are FUSION_WHT_MIGRATED, SEEDED, USER_DEFINED, MIGRATED, and FUSION_RI_UPLOAD.
TaxRatesRecoveryRuleCode The recovery rule code if this is a recovery rate.
TaxRatesRecoveryTypeCode The default recovery type code for which this tax rate is defined.
TaxRatesScheduleBasedRateFlag Indicates whether this tax rate has multiple schedules. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TaxRatesSourceId The identifier of the tax code in source database of prior releases for migrated records.
TaxRatesTLCreatedBy The user who created the translated tax rate row.
TaxRatesTLCreationDate The date and time when the translated tax rate row was created.
TaxRatesTLDescription The translated tax rate description.
TaxRatesTLLanguage The code for the language in which the tax rate details are translated.
TaxRatesTLLastUpdateDate The date and time when the translated tax rate row was last updated.
TaxRatesTLLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the translated tax rate row.
TaxRatesTLLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the translated tax rate row.
TaxRatesTLSourceLang The code for the original language of the translated tax rate details.
TaxRatesTLTaxRateId The unique identifier of the translated tax rate.
TaxRatesTLTaxRateName The translated tax rate name.
TaxRatesTax The tax code associated with the tax rate.
TaxRatesTaxClass Indicate whether this tax code is applicable for procure to pay business flows or order to cash business flows. Possible values are INPUT and OUTPUT. NULL indicates it is applicable to both.
TaxRatesTaxInclusiveOverrideFlag Indicates whether the tax inclusive option can be overridden at tax line level for this tax rate. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TaxRatesTaxJurisdictionCode The tax jurisdiction code associated with the tax rate.
TaxRatesTaxRateCode The unique identifier of the tax rate row when combined with tax regime code, tax, and content owner.
TaxRatesTaxRateId The unique identifier of the tax rate. This is a primary key of the Tax Rates view object.
TaxRatesTaxRegimeCode The tax regime code associated with the tax rate.
TaxRatesTaxStatusCode The tax status code associated with the tax rate.
TaxRatesTaxableBasisFormulaCode The formula code to determine taxable base amount.
TaxRatesUomCode The unit of measure code for this tax rate. This column is applicable only for quantity-based rates.
TaxRatesVatTransactionTypeCode The VAT transaction type code used to group invoices.