Subledger Transaction Entities

The subledger transaction entities view object contains a row for each transaction for which events have been raised in Subledger Accounting. Each row of this object stores the associated entity code and the source and security identifiers which are passed by the subledger depending on their data and security model.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.FinExtractAM.XlaBiccExtractAM.SubledgerJournalTransactionEntityExtractPVO

Primary Keys : TransactionEntityId

Initial Extract Date : TransactionCreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : TransactionLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
TransactionApplicationId The application identifier of the entry to which the transaction is applied using the business flow feature. This is a foreign key of the Applications view object.
TransactionCreatedBy The user who created the subledger transaction entity.
TransactionCreationDate The date and time when the subledger transaction entity was created.
TransactionEntityCode The unique abbreviated name assigned to an entity and used for reporting or in reference to an option. Entity codes are defined in xla_entity_types_b.
TransactionEntityId The unique identifier of the subledger transactions associated with the accounting events. This is a primary key of the Subledger Transaction Entities view object.
TransactionLastUpdateDate The date when the subledger transaction entity row was last updated.
TransactionLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the subledger transaction entity.
TransactionLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the subledger transaction entity row.
TransactionLedgerId The unique identifier of the Ledgers view object. This is a foreign key of the Ledgers view object.
TransactionLegalEntityId The identifier of a recognized party that has rights and responsibilities assigned by legislation.
TransactionObjectVersionNumber The number of times the subledger transaction entity row has been updated.
TransactionSecurityIdChar1 The value passed to Subledger Accounting by each subledger based on its security model.
TransactionSecurityIdChar2 The value passed to Subledger Accounting by each subledger based on its security model.
TransactionSecurityIdChar3 The value passed to Subledger Accounting by each subledger based on its security model.
TransactionSecurityIdInt1 The value passed to Subledger Accounting by each subledger based on its security model.
TransactionSecurityIdInt2 The value passed to Subledger Accounting by each subledger based on its security model.
TransactionSecurityIdInt3 The value passed to Subledger Accounting by each subledger based on its security model.
TransactionSourceApplicationId The internal identifier of the upgrading source application.
TransactionSourceIdChar1 The value passed to Subledger Accounting by each subledger based on its data model.
TransactionSourceIdChar2 The value passed to Subledger Accounting by each subledger based on its data model.
TransactionSourceIdChar3 The value passed to Subledger Accounting by each subledger based on its data model.
TransactionSourceIdChar4 The value passed to Subledger Accounting by each subledger based on its data model.
TransactionSourceIdInt1 The value passed to Subledger Accounting by each subledger based on its data model.
TransactionSourceIdInt2 The value passed to Subledger Accounting by each subledger based on its data model.
TransactionSourceIdInt3 The value passed to Subledger Accounting by each subledger based on its data model.
TransactionSourceIdInt4 The value passed to Subledger Accounting by each subledger based on its data model.
TransactionTransactionNumber The identifier of a business relationship that involves one or more parties and products, such as a change in the ownership, location, or status of a product.
TransactionUpgValidFlag Indicates whether the validation was successfully run for the batch. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TransactionValuationMethod The valuation of an underlying accounting event that can be valued with a different monetary value and accounted differently.