Subledger Transaction Headers

The subledger transaction headers contain Oracle Fusion Accounting Hub transaction header data for use in accounting. The combination of TransactionHeaderApplicationId and TransactionHeaderEventId forms the unique identifier of the Subledger Transaction Headers view object.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.FinExtractAM.XlaBiccExtractAM.SubledgerTransactionHeaderExtractPVO

Primary Keys : TransactionHeaderEventId, TransactionHeaderApplicationId

Initial Extract Date : TransactionHeaderCreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : TransactionHeaderLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
TransactionHeaderApplicationId The identifier of the application for the transaction to be accounted. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the Subledger Transaction Headers view object. This is a foreign key of the Applications view object.
TransactionHeaderChar1 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionHeaderChar10 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionHeaderChar11 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionHeaderChar12 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionHeaderChar13 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionHeaderChar14 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionHeaderChar15 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionHeaderChar16 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionHeaderChar17 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionHeaderChar18 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionHeaderChar19 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionHeaderChar2 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionHeaderChar20 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionHeaderChar21 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionHeaderChar22 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionHeaderChar23 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionHeaderChar24 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionHeaderChar25 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionHeaderChar26 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionHeaderChar27 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionHeaderChar28 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionHeaderChar29 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionHeaderChar3 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionHeaderChar30 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionHeaderChar31 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionHeaderChar32 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionHeaderChar33 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionHeaderChar34 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionHeaderChar35 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionHeaderChar36 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionHeaderChar37 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionHeaderChar38 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionHeaderChar39 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionHeaderChar4 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionHeaderChar40 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionHeaderChar41 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionHeaderChar42 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionHeaderChar43 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionHeaderChar44 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionHeaderChar45 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionHeaderChar46 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionHeaderChar47 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionHeaderChar48 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionHeaderChar49 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionHeaderChar5 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionHeaderChar50 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionHeaderChar6 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionHeaderChar7 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionHeaderChar8 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionHeaderChar9 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionHeaderCreatedBy The user who created the subledger transaction header.
TransactionHeaderCreationDate The date and time when the subledger transaction header was created.
TransactionHeaderDate1 The date that's specified by the customer.
TransactionHeaderDate10 The date that's specified by the customer.
TransactionHeaderDate2 The date that's specified by the customer.
TransactionHeaderDate3 The date that's specified by the customer.
TransactionHeaderDate4 The date that's specified by the customer.
TransactionHeaderDate5 The date that's specified by the customer.
TransactionHeaderDate6 The date that's specified by the customer.
TransactionHeaderDate7 The date that's specified by the customer.
TransactionHeaderDate8 The date that's specified by the customer.
TransactionHeaderDate9 The date that's specified by the customer.
TransactionHeaderEventId The event that accounts the transaction. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the Subledger Transaction Headers view object. This is a foreign key of the Subledger Journal Events view object.
TransactionHeaderFileIdentifier File Name or OCI object storage identifier of the data file using which the transaction was created.
TransactionHeaderJobDefinitionName The name of the job that created or last updated the row.
TransactionHeaderJobDefinitionPackage The package name of the job that created or last updated the row.
TransactionHeaderLastUpdateDate The date when the subledger transaction header row was last updated.
TransactionHeaderLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the subledger transaction header.
TransactionHeaderLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the subledger transaction header row.
TransactionHeaderLongChar1 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionHeaderLongChar2 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionHeaderLongChar3 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionHeaderLongChar4 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionHeaderLongChar5 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionHeaderNumber1 The numeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionHeaderNumber10 The numeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionHeaderNumber2 The numeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionHeaderNumber3 The numeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionHeaderNumber4 The numeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionHeaderNumber5 The numeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionHeaderNumber6 The numeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionHeaderNumber7 The numeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionHeaderNumber8 The numeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionHeaderNumber9 The numeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionHeaderObjectVersionNumber The number of times the subledger transaction header row has been updated.
TransactionHeaderRequestId The unique identifier of the job that created or last updated the row.
TransactionHeaderTransactionDate The date on which the transaction occurred.
TransactionHeaderTransactionNumber The identifier of a business relationship that involves one or more parties and products, such as a change in the ownership, location, or status of a product.
TransactionHeaderTransactionReversalFlag Indicates whether the record is for transaction reversal. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.