Subledger Transaction Lines

The subledger transaction lines contain Oracle Fusion Accounting Hub transaction line data for use in accounting. The combination of TransactionLineApplicationId, TransactionLineEventId, and TransactionLineLineNumber forms the unique identifier of the Subledger Transaction Lines view object.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.FinExtractAM.XlaBiccExtractAM.SubledgerTransactionLineExtractPVO

Primary Keys : TransactionLineApplicationId, TransactionLineEventId, TransactionLineLineNumber

Initial Extract Date : TransactionLineCreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : TransactionLineLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
TransactionLineApplicationId The unique identifier of the application for the transaction to be accounted. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the Subledger Transaction Lines view object. This is a foreign key of the Applications view object.
TransactionLineChar1 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar10 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar100 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar11 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar12 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar13 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar14 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar15 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar16 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar17 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar18 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar19 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar2 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar20 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar21 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar22 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar23 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar24 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar25 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar26 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar27 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar28 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar29 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar3 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar30 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar31 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar32 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar33 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar34 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar35 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar36 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar37 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar38 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar39 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar4 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar40 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar41 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar42 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar43 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar44 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar45 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar46 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar47 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar48 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar49 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar5 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar50 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar51 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar52 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar53 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar54 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar55 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar56 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar57 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar58 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar59 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar6 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar60 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar61 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar62 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar63 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar64 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar65 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar66 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar67 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar68 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar69 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar7 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar70 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar71 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar72 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar73 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar74 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar75 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar76 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar77 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar78 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar79 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar8 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar80 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar81 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar82 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar83 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar84 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar85 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar86 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar87 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar88 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar89 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar9 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar90 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar91 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar92 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar93 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar94 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar95 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar96 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar97 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar98 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineChar99 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineCreatedBy The user who created the subledger transaction line.
TransactionLineCreationDate The date and time when the subledger transaction line was created.
TransactionLineDate1 The date that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineDate10 The date that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineDate2 The date that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineDate3 The date that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineDate4 The date that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineDate5 The date that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineDate6 The date that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineDate7 The date that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineDate8 The date that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineDate9 The date that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineEventId The event that accounts the transaction. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the Subledger Transaction Lines view object. This is a foreign key of the Subledger Journal Events view object.
TransactionLineJobDefinitionName The name of the job that created or last updated the row.
TransactionLineJobDefinitionPackage The package name of the job that created or last updated the row.
TransactionLineLastUpdateDate The date when the subledger transaction line row was last updated.
TransactionLineLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the subledger transaction line.
TransactionLineLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the subledger transaction line row.
TransactionLineLineNumber The unique identifier of a line in a transaction. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the Subledger Transaction Lines view object.
TransactionLineLongChar1 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineLongChar2 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineLongChar3 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineLongChar4 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineLongChar5 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineNumber1 The numeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineNumber10 The numeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineNumber11 The numeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineNumber12 The numeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineNumber13 The numeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineNumber14 The numeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineNumber15 The numeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineNumber16 The numeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineNumber17 The numeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineNumber18 The numeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineNumber19 The numeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineNumber2 The numeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineNumber20 The numeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineNumber21 The numeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineNumber22 The numeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineNumber23 The numeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineNumber24 The numeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineNumber25 The numeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineNumber26 The numeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineNumber27 The numeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineNumber28 The numeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineNumber29 The numeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineNumber3 The numeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineNumber30 The numeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineNumber4 The numeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineNumber5 The numeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineNumber6 The numeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineNumber7 The numeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineNumber8 The numeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineNumber9 The numeric data that's specified by the customer.
TransactionLineObjectVersionNumber The number of times the subledger transaction line row has been updated.
TransactionLineRequestId The unique identifier of the job that created or last updated the row.
TransactionLineTransactionDate The date on which the transaction occurred.