Subledger Transaction Reversal Lines

The subledger transaction reversal lines contain Oracle Fusion Accounting Hub transaction reversal lines. The combination of TrxRevLineApplicationId, TrxRevLineEventId, and TrxRevLineLineNumber forms the unique identifier of the Subledger Transaction Reversal Lines view object.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.FinExtractAM.XlaBiccExtractAM.SubledgerTransactionLineReversalExtractPVO

Primary Keys : TrxRevLineApplicationId, TrxRevLineEventId, TrxRevLineLineNumber

Initial Extract Date : TrxRevHeaderCreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : TrxRevHeaderLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
TrxRevHeaderCreationDate The date and time when the subledger transaction header was created.
TrxRevHeaderEventId The identifier of the event that accounts for the reversal transaction.
TrxRevHeaderLastUpdateDate The date when the subledger transaction header row was last updated.
TrxRevHeaderTransactionDate The date on which the transaction occurred.
TrxRevHeaderTransactionNumber The identifier of a business relationship that involves one or more parties and products, such as a change in the ownership, location, or status of a product.
TrxRevHeaderTransactionReversalFlag Indicates whether the record is for transaction reversal. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TrxRevLineApplicationId The unique identifier of the subledger application for the transaction to be accounted. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the Subledger Transaction Reversal Lines view object. This is a foreign key of the Applications view object.
TrxRevLineChar1 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar10 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar100 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar11 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar12 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar13 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar14 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar15 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar16 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar17 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar18 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar19 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar2 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar20 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar21 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar22 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar23 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar24 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar25 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar26 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar27 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar28 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar29 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar3 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar30 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar31 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar32 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar33 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar34 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar35 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar36 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar37 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar38 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar39 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar4 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar40 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar41 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar42 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar43 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar44 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar45 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar46 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar47 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar48 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar49 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar5 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar50 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar51 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar52 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar53 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar54 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar55 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar56 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar57 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar58 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar59 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar6 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar60 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar61 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar62 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar63 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar64 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar65 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar66 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar67 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar68 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar69 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar7 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar70 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar71 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar72 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar73 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar74 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar75 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar76 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar77 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar78 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar79 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar8 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar80 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar81 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar82 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar83 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar84 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar85 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar86 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar87 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar88 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar89 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar9 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar90 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar91 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar92 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar93 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar94 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar95 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar96 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar97 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar98 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineChar99 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineCreatedBy The user who created the subledger transaction line.
TrxRevLineDate1 The date that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineDate10 The date that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineDate2 The date that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineDate3 The date that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineDate4 The date that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineDate5 The date that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineDate6 The date that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineDate7 The date that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineDate8 The date that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineDate9 The date that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineEventId The identifier of the event that accounts for the original transaction. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the Subledger Transaction Reversal Lines view object. This is a foreign key of the Subledger Journal Events view object.
TrxRevLineJobDefinitionName The name of the job that created or last updated the row.
TrxRevLineJobDefinitionPackage The package name of the job that created or last updated the row.
TrxRevLineLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the subledger transaction line.
TrxRevLineLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the subledger transaction line row.
TrxRevLineLineNumber The unique identifier of a line in a transaction. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the Subledger Transaction Reversal Lines view object.
TrxRevLineLongChar1 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineLongChar2 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineLongChar3 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineLongChar4 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineLongChar5 The alphanumeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineNumber1 The numeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineNumber10 The numeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineNumber11 The numeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineNumber12 The numeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineNumber13 The numeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineNumber14 The numeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineNumber15 The numeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineNumber16 The numeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineNumber17 The numeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineNumber18 The numeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineNumber19 The numeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineNumber2 The numeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineNumber20 The numeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineNumber21 The numeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineNumber22 The numeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineNumber23 The numeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineNumber24 The numeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineNumber25 The numeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineNumber26 The numeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineNumber27 The numeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineNumber28 The numeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineNumber29 The numeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineNumber3 The numeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineNumber30 The numeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineNumber4 The numeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineNumber5 The numeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineNumber6 The numeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineNumber7 The numeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineNumber8 The numeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineNumber9 The numeric data that's specified by the customer.
TrxRevLineObjectVersionNumber The number of times the subledger transaction line row has been updated.
TrxRevLineRequestId The unique identifier of the job that created or last updated the row.