Subleger Mapping Set Flavors

The Subledger Mapping Set Flavors view object contains chart of accounts or value sets assigned to subledger mapping sets.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.FinExtractAM.XlaBiccExtractAM.SubledgerMappingSetFlavorExtractPVO

Primary Keys : MappingSetFlavorMappingSetCode, MappingSetFlavorApplicationId, MappingSetFlavorStripeId, MappingSetFlavorAmbContextCode

Initial Extract Date : MappingSetFlavorCreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : MappingSetFlavorLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
MappingSetFlavorAmbContextCode The accounting method builder context for the mapping set. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the translated mapping sets view object.
MappingSetFlavorApplicationId The identifier of the application. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the mapping sets view object.
MappingSetFlavorCreatedBy The user who assigned the chart of account or value set to the mapping set.
MappingSetFlavorCreationDate The date and time when the chart of accounts or value set assignment was created.
MappingSetFlavorDefaultCcid Identifier of the default account combination.
MappingSetFlavorDefaultConstant The default output value.
MappingSetFlavorEnabledFlag Indicates if the chart of accounts or value set assignment for the mapping set is enabled. The possible values are from the lookup type YES_NO.
MappingSetFlavorFlexfieldSegmentCode The accounting flexfield segment.
MappingSetFlavorLastUpdateDate The date and time when the chart of accounts or value set assignment was last updated.
MappingSetFlavorLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the chart of accounts or value set assignment.
MappingSetFlavorLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the chart of accounts or value set assignment.
MappingSetFlavorMappingSetCode The short name of the mapping set.
MappingSetFlavorMappingSetFlavorId The unique identifier of the chart of accounts or value set assignment.
MappingSetFlavorObjectVersionNumber The number of times the chart of accounts or value set assignment row has been updated.
MappingSetFlavorStripeId The identifier of the chart of accounts or value set assigned to the mapping set.