Supporting Reference Assignments in Journal Entry Rule Sets

This view object contains assignment of supporting references to journal line rule for each journal entry rule set.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.FinExtractAM.XlaBiccExtractAM.JersLineSuppRefExtractPVO

Primary Keys : JersLineSuppRefAccountingLineCode, JersLineSuppRefAccountingLineTypeCode, JersLineSuppRefAmbContextCode, JersLineSuppRefAnalyticalCriterionCode, JersLineSuppRefAnalyticalCriterionTypeCode, JersLineSuppRefApplicationId, JersLineSuppRefJersTypeCode, JersLineSuppRefEventClassCode, JersLineSuppRefEventTypeCode, JersLineSuppRefJersCode

Initial Extract Date : JersLineSuppRefCreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : JersLineSuppRefLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
JersLineSuppRefAccountingLineCode Short name of the journal line rule.
JersLineSuppRefAccountingLineTypeCode Indicates whether the journal line rule is seeded or not. Possible values are S: seeded by Oracle or C: defined by user.
JersLineSuppRefAmbContextCode The accounting method builder context.
JersLineSuppRefAnalyticalCriterionCode Short name of the supporting reference assigned to the journal line rule in the journal entry rule set.
JersLineSuppRefAnalyticalCriterionTypeCode Indicates whether the supporting reference is seeded or not. Possible values are S: seeded by Oracle or C: defined by user.
JersLineSuppRefApplicationId The unique identifier of the subledger application associated with the journal entry rule set.
JersLineSuppRefCreatedBy The user who created the supporting reference assignment.
JersLineSuppRefCreationDate The date when the supporting reference assignment was created.
JersLineSuppRefEventClassCode The short name of the event class.
JersLineSuppRefEventTypeCode The short name of the event type.
JersLineSuppRefJersCode The short name of the journal entry rule set.
JersLineSuppRefJersTypeCode Indicates whether the journal entry rule set is seeded or not. Possible values are S: seeded by Oracle or C: defined by user.
JersLineSuppRefLastUpdateDate The date when the supporting reference assignment was last updated.
JersLineSuppRefLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the supporting reference assignment.
JersLineSuppRefLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the supporting reference assignment.
JersLineSuppRefLnSrAssgnId The internal identification of the supporting reference assignment.
JersLineSuppRefObjectVersionNumber The number of times the supporting reference assignment has been updated.