Supporting Reference Balances

The supporting reference balances view object contains supporting reference balances information. The combination of SupportingRefBalanceApplicationId, SupportingRefBalanceCodeCombinationId, SupportingRefBalanceLedgerId, SupportingRefBalancePeriodName, SupportingRefBalanceSuppRefCombinationId, SupportingRefBalanceSuppRefValues, and SupportingRefBalanceEnteredCurrencyCode forms the unique identifier of the Supporting Reference Balances view object.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.FinExtractAM.XlaBiccExtractAM.SupportingReferenceBalanceExtractPVO

Primary Keys : SupportingRefBalanceAcBalanceId

Initial Extract Date : SupportingRefBalanceCreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : SupportingRefBalanceLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
SupportingRefBalanceAcBalanceId The unique identifier of the supporting reference balances. This is the primary key of the Supporting Reference Balances view object.
SupportingRefBalanceAnalyticalCriterionCode The short name of the supporting reference.
SupportingRefBalanceAnalyticalCriterionTypeCode Indicates whether the journal line rule is seeded. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type XLA_OWNER_TYPE.
SupportingRefBalanceApplicationId Unique identifier of the application for which the supporting reference balance is maintained. This is a primary key of the Application view object. This attribute is part of the composite key of the Supporting References Balances view object.
SupportingRefBalanceBeginningBalanceCr The credit balance of the supporting references in the ledger currency at the beginning of the accounting period.
SupportingRefBalanceBeginningBalanceDr The debit balance of the supporting references in the ledger currency at the beginning of the accounting period.
SupportingRefBalanceCodeCombinationId Unique identifier of the general ledger account combination for which the supporting reference balance is maintained. This is a foreign key of the General Ledger Accounts view object. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the Supporting References Balances view object.
SupportingRefBalanceCreatedBy The user who created the supporting reference balance.
SupportingRefBalanceCreationDate The date and time when the supporting reference balance was created.
SupportingRefBalanceEnteredCurBeginBalCr The credit balance of the supporting references in the entered currency at the beginning of the accounting period.
SupportingRefBalanceEnteredCurBeginBalDr The debit balance of the supporting references in the entered currency at the beginning of the accounting period.
SupportingRefBalanceEnteredCurrencyCode The entered currency in which the supporting reference balance is maintained. This attribute is part of the composite key of the Supporting References Balances view object.
SupportingRefBalanceFirstPeriodFlag Indicates whether this is the first accounting period in a fiscal year. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
SupportingRefBalanceInitialBalanceFlag Indicates whether this is the initial balance for the supporting references. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
SupportingRefBalanceJobDefinitionName The name of the job that created or last updated the row.
SupportingRefBalanceJobDefinitionPackage The package name of the job that created or last updated the row.
SupportingRefBalanceLastUpdateDate The date and time when the supporting reference balance row was last updated.
SupportingRefBalanceLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the supporting reference balance row.
SupportingRefBalanceLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the supporting reference balance.
SupportingRefBalanceLedgerId Unique identifier of the ledger for which the supporting reference balance is maintained. This is a foreign key of the Ledgers view object. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the Supporting Reference Balances view object.
SupportingRefBalanceObjectVersionNumber The number of times the supporting reference balance row has been updated.
SupportingRefBalancePeriodBalanceCr The period-to-date credit balance of the supporting references in the ledger currency.
SupportingRefBalancePeriodBalanceDr The period-to-date debit balance of the supporting references in the ledger currency.
SupportingRefBalancePeriodEnteredBalanceCr The period-to-date credit balance of the supporting references in the entered currency.
SupportingRefBalancePeriodEnteredBalanceDr The period-to-date debit balance of the supporting references in the entered currency.
SupportingRefBalancePeriodName The name of the accounting period for the supporting reference balance. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the Supporting Reference Balances view object.
SupportingRefBalancePeriodYear The fiscal year of the accounting period for the supporting reference balance.
SupportingRefBalanceRequestId The unique identifier of the job that created or last updated the row.
SupportingRefBalanceSr1 The source value of the supporting reference.
SupportingRefBalanceSr10 The source value of the supporting reference.
SupportingRefBalanceSr11 The source value of the supporting reference.
SupportingRefBalanceSr12 The source value of the supporting reference.
SupportingRefBalanceSr13 The source value of the supporting reference.
SupportingRefBalanceSr14 The source value of the supporting reference.
SupportingRefBalanceSr15 The source value of the supporting reference.
SupportingRefBalanceSr16 The source value of the supporting reference.
SupportingRefBalanceSr17 The source value of the supporting reference.
SupportingRefBalanceSr18 The source value of the supporting reference.
SupportingRefBalanceSr19 The source value of the supporting reference.
SupportingRefBalanceSr2 The source value of the supporting reference.
SupportingRefBalanceSr20 The source value of the supporting reference.
SupportingRefBalanceSr21 The source value of the supporting reference.
SupportingRefBalanceSr22 The source value of the supporting reference.
SupportingRefBalanceSr23 The source value of the supporting reference.
SupportingRefBalanceSr24 The source value of the supporting reference.
SupportingRefBalanceSr25 The source value of the supporting reference.
SupportingRefBalanceSr26 The source value of the supporting reference.
SupportingRefBalanceSr27 The source value of the supporting reference.
SupportingRefBalanceSr28 The source value of the supporting reference.
SupportingRefBalanceSr29 The source value of the supporting reference.
SupportingRefBalanceSr3 The source value of the supporting reference.
SupportingRefBalanceSr30 The source value of the supporting reference.
SupportingRefBalanceSr4 The source value of the supporting reference.
SupportingRefBalanceSr5 The source value of the supporting reference.
SupportingRefBalanceSr6 The source value of the supporting reference.
SupportingRefBalanceSr7 The source value of the supporting reference.
SupportingRefBalanceSr8 The source value of the supporting reference.
SupportingRefBalanceSr9 The source value of the supporting reference.
SupportingRefBalanceSuppRefCombinationId Unique identifier of the combination of supporting references. This is the foreign key of the Supporting Reference Combinations view object. This attribute is part of the composite key of the Supporting References Balances view object.
SupportingRefBalanceSuppRefValues The concatenated value of all the supporting references. This attribute is part of the composite key of the Supporting References Balances view object.
SupportingRefBalanceTransferredToEssbase Indicates whether the balance entry is transferred to Essbase.