Supporting References

The supporting reference view object contains information about supporting reference.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.FinExtractAM.XlaBiccExtractAM.SupportingReferenceExtractPVO

Primary Keys : AmbContextCode, AnalyticalCriterionCode, AnalyticalCriterionTypeCode

Initial Extract Date : SupportingRefCreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : SupportingRefLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
AmbContextCode The accounting method builder context.
AnalyticalCriterionCode Short name of the supporting reference.
AnalyticalCriterionTypeCode Indicates whether the supporting reference is seeded or not. Possible values are S: seeded by Oracle or C: defined by user.
SupportingRefApplicationId The unique identifier of subledger application.
SupportingRefBalancingFlag Indicates whether balance is maintained for the supporting reference.
SupportingRefCreatedBy The user who created the supporting reference.
SupportingRefCreationDate The date when the supporting reference was created.
SupportingRefEnabledFlag Indicates whether the supporting reference is enabled.
SupportingRefLastUpdateDate The date when the supporting reference was last updated.
SupportingRefLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the supporting reference.
SupportingRefLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the supporting reference.
SupportingRefObjectVersionNumber The number of times the supporting reference has been updated.
SupportingRefTranslatedAmbContextCode The accounting method builder context.
SupportingRefTranslatedAnalyticalCriterionCode Short name of the supporting reference.
SupportingRefTranslatedAnalyticalCriterionTypeCode Indicates whether the supporting reference is seeded or not. Possible values are S: seeded by Oracle or C: defined by user.
SupportingRefTranslatedCreatedBy The user who created the translated information for the supporting reference.
SupportingRefTranslatedCreationDate The date when the translated information for the supporting reference was created.
SupportingRefTranslatedDescription Translated description of the supporting reference.
SupportingRefTranslatedLanguage Indicates the code of the language into which the contents of the translatable columns are translated.
SupportingRefTranslatedLastUpdateDate The date when the translated information for the supporting reference was last updated.
SupportingRefTranslatedLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the translated information of the supporting reference.
SupportingRefTranslatedLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the translated information of the supporting reference.
SupportingRefTranslatedName Translated name of the supporting reference.
SupportingRefTranslatedObjectVersionNumber The number of times the translated information of the supporting reference has been updated.
SupportingRefTranslatedSourceLang Indicates the code of the language in which the contents of the translatable columns were originally created.
SupportingRefVersionNum The number of times the supporting reference has been updated.
XlaApplnVLApplicationId The unique identifier of a subledger application.
XlaApplnVLApplicationName Translated name of the subledger application.
XlaApplnVLApplicationShortName Abbreviated name of the subledger application
XlaApplnVLDescription Additional literal information associated with a subledger application.
XlaApplnVLDrilldownProcedureName The name of the procedure to drill down to subledger transactions.
XlaApplnVLJeSourceName Journal source name assigned to the subledger application.
XlaApplnVLSecurityFunctionName The name of the security function associated with the subledger application.