Supporting Reference Source Assignments

The supporting reference source view object contains the source assignments for supporting references.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.FinExtractAM.XlaBiccExtractAM.SupportingReferenceSourceExtractPVO

Primary Keys : SupportingReferenceSourceSourceTypeCode, SupportingReferenceSourceApplicationId, SupportingReferenceSourceEntityCode, SupportingReferenceSourceEventClassCode, SupportingReferenceSourceSupportingReferenceCode, SupportingReferenceSourceSourceApplicationId, SupportingReferenceSourceSourceCode

Initial Extract Date : SupportingReferenceSourceCreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : SupportingReferenceSourceLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
SupportingReferenceSourceAmbContextCode The accounting method builder context.
SupportingReferenceSourceApplicationId The unique identifier of subledger application.
SupportingReferenceSourceCreatedBy The user who created the supporting reference source assignment.
SupportingReferenceSourceCreationDate The date when the supporting reference source assignment was created.
SupportingReferenceSourceEntityCode The entity code of the event class.
SupportingReferenceSourceEventClassCode The short name of event class.
SupportingReferenceSourceLastUpdateDate The date when the supporting reference source assignment was last updated.
SupportingReferenceSourceLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the supporting reference source assignment.
SupportingReferenceSourceLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the supporting reference source assignment.
SupportingReferenceSourceObjectVersionNumber The number of times the supporting reference source assignment has been updated.
SupportingReferenceSourceSourceApplicationId Unique identifier of the source application.
SupportingReferenceSourceSourceCode Subledger source code.
SupportingReferenceSourceSourceOriginCode Indicates whether the formula is seeded or not when a formula is assigned to the supporting reference as source.
SupportingReferenceSourceSourceTypeCode Indicates what type of source is assigned to the supporting reference. Possible values are S: standard source or F: formula.
SupportingReferenceSourceSupportingReferenceCode Short name of the supporting reference.
SupportingReferenceSourceSupportingReferenceTypeCode Indicates whether the supporting reference is seeded or not. Possible values are S: seeded by Oracle or C: defined by user.