Tax Registrations

The tax registration extract view object contains the registration details of a party with a tax authority that confers tax rights and imposes certain tax obligations.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.FinExtractAM.ZxBiccExtractAM.TaxRegistrationExtractPVO

Primary Keys : TaxRegistrationPartyTaxProfileId, TaxRegistrationTaxJurisdictionCode, TaxRegistrationDefaultRegistrationFlag, TaxRegistrationTaxRegimeCode, TaxRegistrationRegistrationId, TaxRegistrationTax

Initial Extract Date : TaxRegistrationCreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : TaxRegistrationLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
TaxRegistrationAccountId The unique identifier of supplier or customer account.
TaxRegistrationAccountSiteId The unique identifier of supplier site or customer account site.
TaxRegistrationAccountTypeCode The lookup code that indicates whether the registration is for supplier or customer.
TaxRegistrationAttribute1 A segment for the Tax Registrations descriptive flexfield.
TaxRegistrationAttribute10 A segment for the Tax Registrations descriptive flexfield.
TaxRegistrationAttribute11 A segment for the Tax Registrations descriptive flexfield.
TaxRegistrationAttribute12 A segment for the Tax Registrations descriptive flexfield.
TaxRegistrationAttribute13 A segment for the Tax Registrations descriptive flexfield.
TaxRegistrationAttribute14 A segment for the Tax Registrations descriptive flexfield.
TaxRegistrationAttribute15 A segment for the Tax Registrations descriptive flexfield.
TaxRegistrationAttribute2 A segment for the Tax Registrations descriptive flexfield.
TaxRegistrationAttribute3 A segment for the Tax Registrations descriptive flexfield.
TaxRegistrationAttribute4 A segment for the Tax Registrations descriptive flexfield.
TaxRegistrationAttribute5 A segment for the Tax Registrations descriptive flexfield.
TaxRegistrationAttribute6 A segment for the Tax Registrations descriptive flexfield.
TaxRegistrationAttribute7 A segment for the Tax Registrations descriptive flexfield.
TaxRegistrationAttribute8 A segment for the Tax Registrations descriptive flexfield.
TaxRegistrationAttribute9 A segment for the Tax Registrations descriptive flexfield.
TaxRegistrationAttributeCategory The context name for the Tax Registrations descriptive flexfield.
TaxRegistrationBankAccountNum The bank account number.
TaxRegistrationBankBranchId The unique identifier of the bank branch.
TaxRegistrationBankId The unique identifier of the bank party.
TaxRegistrationCollTaxAuthorityId The unique identifier of the party tax profile for the collecting tax authority.
TaxRegistrationCreatedBy The user who created the tax registration row.
TaxRegistrationCreationDate The date and time when the tax registration row was created.
TaxRegistrationDefaultRegistrationFlag Indicates whether this is the default registration for the party. Possible values are Y or N.
TaxRegistrationEffectiveFrom The start date from which the tax registration can be used.
TaxRegistrationEffectiveTo The last date on which the tax registration can be used.
TaxRegistrationHasTaxExemptionsFlag Indicates whether the party of this tax registration has tax exemptions. Possible values are Y or N.
TaxRegistrationInclusiveTaxFlag Indicates whether the tax of this registration is inclusive. Possible values are Y or N.
TaxRegistrationLastUpdateDate The date and time when the tax registration row was last updated.
TaxRegistrationLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the tax registration row.
TaxRegistrationLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the tax registration row.
TaxRegistrationLegalLocationId The unique identifier of the location for the legal registration address.
TaxRegistrationLegalRegistrationId The unique identifier of the legal registration that is the source for the tax registration number for this tax registration.
TaxRegistrationMaxSelfAssessDiffTolLimit The maximum self-assessed differential tax tolerance limit for the tax registration row.
TaxRegistrationMergedToRegistrationId The unique identifier of the registration into which this tax registration is merged.
TaxRegistrationMinSelfAssessDiffTolLimit The minimum self-assessed differential tax tolerance limit for the tax registration row.
TaxRegistrationObjectVersionNumber The number of times the tax registration row has been updated.
TaxRegistrationPartyTaxProfileId The party tax profile identifier for the party of this tax registration.
TaxRegistrationRecordTypeCode The source from which the tax registrations row is created. Possible values are FUSION_WHT_MIGRATED, SEEDED, USER_DEFINED, MIGRATED, and FUSION_RI_UPLOAD.
TaxRegistrationRegistrationId The unique identifier of the tax registration. This is a primary key of the Tax Registrations view object.
TaxRegistrationRegistrationNumber The tax registration number.
TaxRegistrationRegistrationReasonCode Indicate the reason for the registration, such as minimum presence or revenue threshold.
TaxRegistrationRegistrationSourceCode Used to distinguish between formal registration numbers from logical tax registrations, which will not have a formal number assigned to it but will indicate that the party has a logical registration such as nexus.
TaxRegistrationRegistrationStatusCode Indicates the party registration status.
TaxRegistrationRegistrationTypeCode The lookup code for registration type.
TaxRegistrationRepPartyTaxName The name of the party that is recognized by the tax authority for this tax registration.
TaxRegistrationRepTaxAuthorityId The unique identifier of the party tax profile for the tax authority to whom this tax is reported.
TaxRegistrationRequestId The unique identifier of the party tax profile for the tax authority to whom this tax is reported.
TaxRegistrationRoundingLevelCode The rounding level code of the registration row.
TaxRegistrationRoundingRuleCode The rounding rule code of the registration row.
TaxRegistrationSelfAssessDiffTolLmtFlag Indicates the self-assessed differential tax tolerance limit.
TaxRegistrationSelfAssessFlag Indicates whether the tax of this registration is to be self-assessed. Possible values are Y or N.
TaxRegistrationTax The tax code associated with the tax registration.
TaxRegistrationTaxAuthorityId The unique identifier of the party tax profile of the tax authority of this registration row.
TaxRegistrationTaxClassificationCode The tax classification code associated with the tax registration.
TaxRegistrationTaxJurisdictionCode The tax jurisdiction code associated with the tax registration.
TaxRegistrationTaxPointBasis The tax point basis for the tax registration.
TaxRegistrationTaxRegimeCode The tax regime code associated with the tax registration.
TaxRegistrationUniquenessValidationLevel The duplicate validation level for the tax registration number for this tax registration.
TaxRegistrationValidationLevel The validation level for the tax registration number validation to be performed for the selected validation type. Possible values are ERROR, WARNING, and NONE.
TaxRegistrationValidationRoutine The identifier for the selected validation routine.
TaxRegistrationValidationType The validation type defined for registration number validation for this tax registration.