Tax Statuses

The tax statuses view object contains configuration details for the status of a specific tax.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.FinExtractAM.ZxBiccExtractAM.TaxStatusExtractPVO

Primary Keys : TaxStatusBaseTaxStatusId

Initial Extract Date : TaxStatusBaseCreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : TaxStatusBaseLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
TaxStatusBaseAllowExceptionsFlag Indicates whether tax exemptions are allowed for the current tax status. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TaxStatusBaseAllowExemptionsFlag Indicates whether tax exceptions are allowed for the current tax status. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TaxStatusBaseAllowRateOverrideFlag Indicates whether user is allowed to override the default tax rate applied on the invoice. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TaxStatusBaseAttribute1 A segment for the Tax Statuses descriptive flexfield.
TaxStatusBaseAttribute10 A segment for the Tax Statuses descriptive flexfield.
TaxStatusBaseAttribute11 A segment for the Tax Statuses descriptive flexfield.
TaxStatusBaseAttribute12 A segment for the Tax Statuses descriptive flexfield.
TaxStatusBaseAttribute13 A segment for the Tax Statuses descriptive flexfield.
TaxStatusBaseAttribute14 A segment for the Tax Statuses descriptive flexfield.
TaxStatusBaseAttribute15 A segment for the Tax Statuses descriptive flexfield.
TaxStatusBaseAttribute2 A segment for the Tax Statuses descriptive flexfield.
TaxStatusBaseAttribute3 A segment for the Tax Statuses descriptive flexfield.
TaxStatusBaseAttribute4 A segment for the Tax Statuses descriptive flexfield.
TaxStatusBaseAttribute5 A segment for the Tax Statuses descriptive flexfield.
TaxStatusBaseAttribute6 A segment for the Tax Statuses descriptive flexfield.
TaxStatusBaseAttribute7 A segment for the Tax Statuses descriptive flexfield.
TaxStatusBaseAttribute8 A segment for the Tax Statuses descriptive flexfield.
TaxStatusBaseAttribute9 A segment for the Tax Statuses descriptive flexfield.
TaxStatusBaseAttributeCategory The context name for the Tax Statuses descriptive flexfield.
TaxStatusBaseContentOwnerId The unique identifier of party tax profile for the configuration owner of this tax status.
TaxStatusBaseCreatedBy The user who created the tax status row.
TaxStatusBaseCreationDate The date and time when the tax status row was created.
TaxStatusBaseDefRecSettlementOptionCode The option selected by the user for default recovery settlement. Possible values are IMMEDIATE, DELIVERY, ACCOUNTING, INVOICE, PAYMENT, and DEFERRED.
TaxStatusBaseDefaultFlgEffectiveFrom The start date from which the tax status can be used as the default tax status.
TaxStatusBaseDefaultFlgEffectiveTo The last date on which the tax status can be used as the default tax status.
TaxStatusBaseDefaultStatusFlag Indicates whether the tax status is identified as the default status for the tax. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TaxStatusBaseEffectiveFrom The effective start date for the tax status.
TaxStatusBaseEffectiveTo The effective end date for the tax status.
TaxStatusBaseLastUpdateDate The date and time when the tax status row was last updated.
TaxStatusBaseLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the tax status row.
TaxStatusBaseLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the tax status row.
TaxStatusBaseObjectVersionNumber The number of times the tax status row has been updated.
TaxStatusBaseRecordTypeCode The source from which the tax status row is created. Possible values are FUSION_WHT_MIGRATED, SEEDED, USER_DEFINED, MIGRATED, and FUSION_RI_UPLOAD.
TaxStatusBaseRuleBasedRateFlag Indicates whether the rules are defined for this tax status to determine tax rate. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TaxStatusBaseTax The tax code associated with the tax status.
TaxStatusBaseTaxRegimeCode The tax regime code associated with the tax status is associated..
TaxStatusBaseTaxStatusCode The unique identifier of the tax status row when combined with tax regime code, tax, and content owner.
TaxStatusBaseTaxStatusId The unique identifier of the tax status. This is a primary key of the Tax Statuses view object.
TaxStatusTLCreatedBy1 The user who created the translated tax status row.
TaxStatusTLCreationDate1 The date and time when the translated tax status row was created.
TaxStatusTLLanguage The code for the language in which the tax status details are translated.
TaxStatusTLLastUpdateDate1 The date and time when the translated tax status row was last updated.
TaxStatusTLLastUpdateLogin1 The session login associated with the user who last updated the translated tax status row.
TaxStatusTLLastUpdatedBy1 The user who last updated the translated tax status row.
TaxStatusTLSourceLang The code for the original language of the translated tax status details.
TaxStatusTLTaxStatusId1 The unique identifier of the translated tax status.
TaxStatusTLTaxStatusName The translated tax status name.