Transaction Taxes

The transaction taxes view object contains the configuration details for a specific tax.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.FinExtractAM.ZxBiccExtractAM.TransactionTaxExtractPVO

Primary Keys : TransactionTaxBaseTaxId

Initial Extract Date : TransactionTaxBaseCreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : TransactionTaxBaseLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
TransactionTaxBaseAllowDupRegnNumFlag Indicates whether duplicate registration numbers are allowed for this tax. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TransactionTaxBaseAllowExceptionsFlag Indicates whether exceptions are allowed for this tax. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TransactionTaxBaseAllowExemptionsFlag Indicates whether exemptions are allowed for this tax. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TransactionTaxBaseAllowManualEntryFlag Indicates whether the user is allowed to manually enter tax lines for this tax. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TransactionTaxBaseAllowMassCreateFlag Indicates whether the automatic creation of tax jurisdictions based on the primary geography type and optionally based on the parent geography identifier or type is allowed for this tax. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TransactionTaxBaseAllowRecoverabilityFlag Indicates whether this tax is recoverable. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TransactionTaxBaseAllowRoundingOverrideFlag Indicates whether the rounding rule can be overridden at the tax registration level for this tax. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TransactionTaxBaseAllowTaxOverrideFlag Indicates whether the user is allowed to override system-calculated tax lines for this tax. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TransactionTaxBaseAllowZeroAmtWhtInvFlag Indicates whether zero-amount withholding invoices and accounting can be created for this tax. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TransactionTaxBaseApplicabilityRuleFlag Indicates whether tax rules are defined to determine applicability of this tax. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TransactionTaxBaseApplicableByDefaultFlag Indicates whether this tax is applicable by default. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TransactionTaxBaseAppliedAmtHandlingFlag The method for handling the tax amount of a prepayment in Payables when it is applied to an invoice. Possible values are PRORATED and RECALCULATED.
TransactionTaxBaseAttribute1 A segment for the Transaction Taxes descriptive flexfield.
TransactionTaxBaseAttribute10 A segment for the Transaction Taxes descriptive flexfield.
TransactionTaxBaseAttribute11 A segment for the Transaction Taxes descriptive flexfield.
TransactionTaxBaseAttribute12 A segment for the Transaction Taxes descriptive flexfield.
TransactionTaxBaseAttribute13 A segment for the Transaction Taxes descriptive flexfield.
TransactionTaxBaseAttribute14 A segment for the Transaction Taxes descriptive flexfield.
TransactionTaxBaseAttribute15 A segment for the Transaction Taxes descriptive flexfield.
TransactionTaxBaseAttribute2 A segment for the Transaction Taxes descriptive flexfield.
TransactionTaxBaseAttribute3 A segment for the Transaction Taxes descriptive flexfield.
TransactionTaxBaseAttribute4 A segment for the Transaction Taxes descriptive flexfield.
TransactionTaxBaseAttribute5 A segment for the Transaction Taxes descriptive flexfield.
TransactionTaxBaseAttribute6 A segment for the Transaction Taxes descriptive flexfield.
TransactionTaxBaseAttribute7 A segment for the Transaction Taxes descriptive flexfield.
TransactionTaxBaseAttribute8 A segment for the Transaction Taxes descriptive flexfield.
TransactionTaxBaseAttribute9 A segment for the Transaction Taxes descriptive flexfield.
TransactionTaxBaseAttributeCategory The context name for the Transaction Taxes descriptive flexfield.
TransactionTaxBaseCalcOnlyFlag Indicates whether this tax is used only for calculation and is neither reported nor returned to the product. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TransactionTaxBaseChargeLineHandlingCode The code that identifies whether the tax rules should be processed on charge lines, or tax lines should be copied from corresponding item lines.
TransactionTaxBaseCollTaxAuthorityId The unique identifier of the party tax profile for the tax authority to whom this tax is remitted.
TransactionTaxBaseCompoundingPrecedence The compounding precedence of the tax. The tax with a lower compounding precedence is computed first.
TransactionTaxBaseContentOwnerId The unique identifier of the party tax profile for the configuration owner of this tax.
TransactionTaxBaseCreatedBy The user who created the transaction tax row.
TransactionTaxBaseCreationDate The date and time when the transaction tax row was created.
TransactionTaxBaseDefInclusiveTaxFlag Indicates whether this tax is inclusive by default. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TransactionTaxBaseDefPlaceOfSupplyTypeCode The default place of supply type for this tax.
TransactionTaxBaseDefPrimaryRecRateCode The default primary recovery rate code for this tax.
TransactionTaxBaseDefRecSettlementOptionCode Indicates whether an input tax recovery can be done when an invoice is recorded or only when the invoice is paid, and whether an output tax settlement is due when the invoice is issued or only when the payment is received against it. Possible values are ACCOUNTING, DELIVERY, INVOICE and PAYMENT.
TransactionTaxBaseDefRegistrPartyTypeCode The default registration party type for this tax.
TransactionTaxBaseDefSecondaryRecRateCode The default secondary recovery rate code for this tax.
TransactionTaxBaseDefTaxCalcFormula The default formula code used to determine tax amount for this tax.
TransactionTaxBaseDefTaxableBasisFormula The default formula code used to determine taxable basis amount for this tax.
TransactionTaxBaseDirectRateRuleFlag Indicates whether direct tax rate determination rules can be defined for this tax. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TransactionTaxBaseEffectiveFrom The effective start date for the transaction tax.
TransactionTaxBaseEffectiveTo The effective end date for the transaction tax.
TransactionTaxBaseExchangeRateType The exchange rate type used for converting transaction currency to tax currency.
TransactionTaxBaseHasOtherJurisdictionsFlag Indicates whether this tax has more than one jurisdiction. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TransactionTaxBaseLastUpdateDate The date and time when the transaction tax row was last updated.
TransactionTaxBaseLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the transaction tax row.
TransactionTaxBaseLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the transaction tax row.
TransactionTaxBaseLegalReportingStatusDefVal The default value of the legal reporting status for this tax.
TransactionTaxBaseLiveForProcessingFlag Indicates whether this tax is ready to be processed during tax calculation. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TransactionTaxBaseMaxTaxAmtThrshld The maximum tax amount threshold for this tax.
TransactionTaxBaseMaxTaxRateThrshld The maximum tax rate threshold for this tax.
TransactionTaxBaseMaxTxblBsisThrshld The maximum taxable basis threshold amount for this tax.
TransactionTaxBaseMinTaxAmtThrshld The minimum tax amount threshold for this tax.
TransactionTaxBaseMinTaxRateThrshld The minimum tax rate threshold for this tax.
TransactionTaxBaseMinTxblBsisThrshld The minimum taxable basis threshold amount for this tax.
TransactionTaxBaseMinimumAccountableUnit The minimum accountable unit of the tax currency for this tax.
TransactionTaxBaseObjectVersionNumber The number of times the transaction tax row has been updated.
TransactionTaxBaseOffsetTaxFlag Indicates whether this tax is used to offset another tax. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TransactionTaxBaseOverrideGeographyType The type of geographical area that can override the tax rate specified for a tax jurisdiction of primary geography type. Regions included in the selected geography type are also available for creating tax jurisdictions for this tax.
TransactionTaxBaseParentGeographyId The unique identifier of the geographical area that confines all tax jurisdictions created for this tax when the primary geography type refers to a master geography type.
TransactionTaxBaseParentGeographyType The type of the geographical area that confines all tax jurisdictions created for this tax when the primary geography type refers to a master geography type.
TransactionTaxBasePeriodSetName The accounting calendar name for this tax.
TransactionTaxBasePlaceOfSupplyRuleFlag Indicates whether the tax rules are defined for this tax to determine the place of supply type. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TransactionTaxBasePrimaryRecRateDetRuleFlag Indicates whether the tax rules are defined for this tax to determine the primary recovery rate. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TransactionTaxBasePrimaryRecTypeRuleFlag Indicates whether the tax rules are defined for this tax to determine the primary recovery type code. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TransactionTaxBasePrimaryRecoveryTypeCode The primary recovery type code that is applicable for this tax.
TransactionTaxBasePrintOnInvoiceFlag Indicates whether this tax will be displayed on the printed document. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TransactionTaxBaseProcessWhtFlag Indicates whether to allow withholding tax calculation on this transaction tax. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TransactionTaxBaseRecordTypeCode The source from which the transaction tax row is created. Possible values are FUSION_WHT_MIGRATED, SEEDED, USER_DEFINED, MIGRATED, and FUSION_RI_UPLOAD.
TransactionTaxBaseRecoveryRateOverrideFlag Indicates whether the tax recovery rate can be overridden for this tax. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TransactionTaxBaseRegistrationTypeRuleFlag Indicates whether the tax rules are defined to determine registration party type for this tax. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TransactionTaxBaseRegnNumSameAsLeFlag Indicates whether the tax registration number for this tax should be same as the legal entity registration number. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TransactionTaxBaseRepTaxAuthorityId The unique identifier of the party tax profile for the tax authority to whom this tax is reported.
TransactionTaxBaseReportingOnlyFlag Indicates whether this tax is a reporting only tax. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TransactionTaxBaseRoundingRuleCode The rounding rule code to be used for rounding this tax. Possible values are UP, DOWN, and NEAREST.
TransactionTaxBaseSecRecRateDetRuleFlag Indicates whether the tax rules are defined to determine the secondary recovery rate for this tax. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TransactionTaxBaseSecondaryRecTypeRuleFlag Indicates whether the tax rules are defined to determine the secondary recovery type code for this tax. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TransactionTaxBaseSecondaryRecoveryTypeCode The secondary recovery type code that is applicable for this tax when more than one recovery type is needed.
TransactionTaxBaseSelfAssessDiffTax The self-assessed differential tax for this transaction tax.
TransactionTaxBaseSourceTaxFlag Indicates whether this tax can be used as a source tax for creating other taxes. If this is a source tax, then it can't be created based on any other tax. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TransactionTaxBaseSpecialInclusiveTaxFlag Indicates whether special inclusive tax handling is applicable for this tax. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TransactionTaxBaseTax The tax code associated with the tax regime.
TransactionTaxBaseTaxAccountCreateMethodCode The code that determines whether the user must define GL account defaults specific to this tax, or can use the defaults specified for another tax.
TransactionTaxBaseTaxAccountSourceTax The source tax from which the application picks up the default GL accounts for this tax.
TransactionTaxBaseTaxAmtThrshldFlag Indicates whether the tax amount threshold is applicable for this tax. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TransactionTaxBaseTaxAuthInvCreationPoint The point at which a withholding tax authority invoice is created. Possible values are INVOICE and PAYMENT.
TransactionTaxBaseTaxCalcRuleFlag Indicates whether rules are defined to calculate tax amount for this tax. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TransactionTaxBaseTaxCurrencyCode The tax currency code for this tax.
TransactionTaxBaseTaxExmptCrMethodCode The code that determines whether the user must define exemptions specific to this tax, or can also use the exemptions specified for another tax if an exemption specific to this tax is not found.
TransactionTaxBaseTaxExmptSourceTax The source tax from which the application picks up the exemption for this tax, if an exemption specific to this tax is not found.
TransactionTaxBaseTaxId The unique identifier of the tax. This is a primary key of the Transaction Taxes view object.
TransactionTaxBaseTaxInclusiveOverrideFlag Indicates whether the user can override the inclusive or exclusive nature of a tax line determined by the application for this tax. If this is set as YES, user can further override this control at the tax rate level. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TransactionTaxBaseTaxPointBasis The tax point basis for this tax.
TransactionTaxBaseTaxPrecision The tax currency precision for this tax.
TransactionTaxBaseTaxRateRuleFlag Indicates whether the tax rules are defined to determine the tax rate for this tax. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TransactionTaxBaseTaxRateThrshldFlag Indicates whether the tax rate threshold is applicable for this tax. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TransactionTaxBaseTaxRegimeCode The tax regime code associated with the tax status for this tax.
TransactionTaxBaseTaxStatusRuleFlag Indicates whether the tax rules are defined to determine the tax status for this tax. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TransactionTaxBaseTaxTypeCode The classification of this tax.
TransactionTaxBaseTaxableAmtMau The minimum accountable unit for rounding the taxable amount.
TransactionTaxBaseTaxableBasisRuleFlag Indicates whether the tax rules are defined to determine taxable basis for this tax. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TransactionTaxBaseThrshldChkTmpltCode The determining factor template to be used for sub-grouping of total thresholds.
TransactionTaxBaseThrshldGroupingLvlCode The lookup code to indicate grouping level for applying thresholds across or within documents, lines, or calendar periods.
TransactionTaxBaseThrshldScheduleGrpLvlFlag The threshold schedule group level indicator. Possible values are L for Line, D for Document, P for Period, and S for Set.
TransactionTaxBaseTxblBsisThrshldFlag Indicates whether the taxable basis threshold is applicable for this tax. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TransactionTaxBaseUniquenessValidationLevel The duplicate validation level for the tax registration number.
TransactionTaxBaseUseLegalMsgFlag Indicates whether legal messages are applicable for this tax. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TransactionTaxBaseValidationLevel The validation level for the tax registration number validation to be performed for the selected validation type. Possible values are ERROR, WARNING, and NONE.
TransactionTaxBaseValidationType The validation type defined for registration number validation.
TransactionTaxBaseWhtBucketLevelFlag Indicates the withholding accumulations level for transactions. Possible values are PARTY and ALL.
TransactionTaxBaseWhtCalcPointFlag Indicates the withholding calculation point. Possible values are PAYMENT and INVOICE.
TransactionTaxBaseWhtDateBasis The withholding date basis to be adopted for the tax. It can be invoice date or accounting date.
TransactionTaxBaseZoneGeographyType The primary geography type for which the tax jurisdictions are created. It refers to either a master or a tax geography type.
TransactionTaxTLCreatedBy The user who created the translated transaction tax row.
TransactionTaxTLCreationDate The date and time when the translated transaction tax row was created.
TransactionTaxTLLanguage The code for the language in which the transaction tax details are translated.
TransactionTaxTLLastUpdateDate The date and time when the translated transaction tax row was last updated.
TransactionTaxTLLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the translated transaction tax row.
TransactionTaxTLLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the translated transaction tax row.
TransactionTaxTLSourceLang The code for the original language of the translated transaction tax details.
TransactionTaxTLTaxFullName The translated transaction tax name.
TransactionTaxTLTaxId The unique identifier of the translated transaction tax.