Convert the Trial Balance Report for Mexico to XML Format

You can view the Trail Balance Report for Mexico from the Financial Reporting Center. After you have viewed the report, you can convert it to an XML format to upload it to the Tax Administration Services (SAT) internet portal.

View the Trial Balance Report for Mexico

To view the report, perform the following steps:

  1. Sign in the Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications.

  2. On the home page of General Account Manager, select General Accounting: Financial Reporting Center > My Folders > Trial Balance Report for Mexico.

  3. View the report in HTML.

  4. Click the HTML Preview list at the beginning of the page and select Export to Excel.

    The report opens in Microsoft Excel.

  5. Save the report in your local folder as an Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook.

Convert the Trial Balance Report for Mexico to XML Format

Perform the following steps to convert your report to an XML format that can be uploaded to the SAT portal:

  1. Open the report in Microsoft Excel and click the View tab.

  2. Click Macros > View Macros.

  3. Enter GenerateXML in the Macro name field and click Create.

    The Microsoft Visual Basic editor opens.

  4. Copy and paste the following report conversion code in the Microsoft Visual Basic editor.

    Sub Generate_XML()
    ' GenerateXML Macro
        Dim Version As String
        Dim RFC As String
        Dim Mes As String
        Dim Anio As String
        Dim TipoEnvio As String
        Dim FechaModBal As String
        Dim Sello As String
        Dim noCertificado As String
        Dim BalanzaCertificado As String
        Dim XML As String
        Dim XML2 As String
        Dim Row As String
        Dim Row2 As String
        Dim ColumnName As String
        Dim ColumnValue As String
        Dim MesP1 As String
        Dim MesP2 As String
    	Dim MesPr As String
        Dim Pos As Integer
        Dim Pos2 As Integer
        Dim Pos3 As Integer
        Dim MidStr As String
        Dim MidStr2 As String
        Dim Arr
        Version = Replace(ActiveSheet.Cells(3, 1).Value, " ", "")
        RFC = Replace(ActiveSheet.Cells(4, 1).Value, " ", "")
        Mes = Replace(ActiveSheet.Cells(3, 1).Value, " ", "")
        Anio = Replace(ActiveSheet.Cells(6, 1).Value, " ", "")
        TipoEnvio = Replace(ActiveSheet.Cells(7, 1).Value, " ", "")
        FechaModBal = Replace(ActiveSheet.Cells(8, 1).Value, " ", "")
        Sello = Replace(ActiveSheet.Cells(9, 1).Value, " ", "")
        noCertificado = Replace(ActiveSheet.Cells(10, 1).Value, " ", "")
        BalanzaCertificado = Replace(ActiveSheet.Cells(11, 1).Value, " ", "")
        Arr = Array("Version", "RFC", "Mes", "Anio", "TipoEnvio", "FechaModBal", "Sello", "noCertificado", "Certificado")
        MesP1 = Mid(Mes, 6, 3)
        'MsgBox MesP1
    	MesPr = Mid(Mes, 6, 2)
        If ((MesP1 = "Jan") Or (MesP1 = "Ene") Or (MesP1 = "ENE") Or (MesP1 = "JAN") Or (MesPr = "01")) Then
            MesP2 = "Mes=" & Chr(34) & "01" & Chr(34)
            'MsgBox Mes
        ElseIf ((MesP1 = "Feb") Or (Mes = "FEB") Or (MesPr = "02")) Then
            MesP2 = "Mes=" & Chr(34) & "02" & Chr(34)
        ElseIf ((MesP1 = "Mar") Or (Mes = "MAR") Or (MesPr = "03")) Then
            MesP2 = "Mes=" & Chr(34) & "03" & Chr(34)
        ElseIf ((MesP1 = "Apr") Or (MesP1 = "Abr") Or (MesP1 = "ABR") Or (MesP1 = "APR") Or (MesPr = "04")) Then
            MesP2 = "Mes=" & Chr(34) & "04" & Chr(34)
        ElseIf ((MesP1 = "May") Or (MesP1 = "MAY") Or (MesPr = "05")) Then
            MesP2 = "Mes=" & Chr(34) & "05" & Chr(34)
        ElseIf ((MesP1 = "Jun") Or (MesP1 = "JUN") Or (MesPr = "06")) Then
            MesP2 = "Mes=" & Chr(34) & "06" & Chr(34)
        ElseIf ((Mes = "Jul") Or (MesP1 = "JUL")) Or (MesPr = "07") Then
            MesP2 = "Mes=" & Chr(34) & "07" & Chr(34)
        ElseIf ((MesP1 = "Aug") Or (MesP1 = "AGO") Or (MesP1 = "Ago") Or (MesP1 = "AUG") Or (MesPr = "08")) Then
            MesP2 = "Mes=" & Chr(34) & "08" & Chr(34)
        ElseIf ((MesP1 = "Sep") Or (MesP1 = "SEP") Or (MesPr = "09")) Then
            MesP2 = "Mes=" & Chr(34) & "09" & Chr(34)
        ElseIf ((MesP1 = "Oct") Or (MesP1 = "OCT") Or (MesPr = "10")) Then
            MesP2 = "Mes=" & Chr(34) & "10" & Chr(34)
        ElseIf ((MesP1 = "Nov") Or (MesP1 = "NOV") Or (MesPr = "11")) Then
            MesP2 = "Mes=" & Chr(34) & "11" & Chr(34)
        ElseIf ((MesP1 = "Dec") Or (MesP1 = "DEC") Or (MesP1 = "Dic") Or (MesP1 = "DIC") Or (MesPr = "12")) Then
            MesP2 = "Mes=" & Chr(34) & "12" & Chr(34)
            MesP2 = "Mes=" & Chr(34) & "13" & Chr(34)
        End If
        'MsgBox MesP2
        'XML = XML & "<BCE:Balanza xmlns:BCE=" & Chr(34) & "" & Chr(34) & " xmlns:xsi=" & Chr(34) & "" & Chr(34) & " xsi:schemaLocation=" & Chr(34) & "" & Chr(34) & " " & Version & " " & RFC & " " & Mes & " " & Anio & " " & TipoEnvio & " " & FechaModBal & " " & Sello & " " & noCertificado & " " & BalanzaCertificado & ">" & vbNewLine
        XML = XML & "<BCE:Balanza xmlns:BCE=" & Chr(34) & "" & Chr(34) & " xmlns:xsi=" & Chr(34) & "" & Chr(34) & " xsi:schemaLocation=" & Chr(34) & "" & Chr(34)
        XML2 = XML
        Row2 = ""
        'Pos is Position of Inverted Commas from Start
        'Pos2 is Length of String between Inverted Commas
        'Pos3 is Length of Field Name
        For I = 1 To 9
            Pos = (InStr(1, Replace(ActiveSheet.Cells(I, 1).Value, " ", ""), Chr(34))) + 1
            Pos2 = InStr(Pos, Replace(ActiveSheet.Cells(I, 1).Value, " ", ""), Chr(34))
            Pos2 = Pos2 - Pos
            Pos3 = Pos - 3
            'MsgBox Pos2
          '  MsgBox I
            MidStr = Mid(Replace(ActiveSheet.Cells(I, 1).Value, " ", ""), Pos, Pos2)
            MidStr2 = Mid(Replace(ActiveSheet.Cells(I, 1).Value, " ", ""), 1, Pos3)
           ' MsgBox MidStr2
            If MidStr <> "" Then
                If MidStr2 = "Mes" Then
                    Row2 = Row2 & MesP2 & "  "
                    Row2 = Row2 & MidStr2 & "=" & Chr(34) & MidStr & Chr(34) & "  "
                End If
                'Row2 = Row2 & " " & Replace(ActiveSheet.Cells(I, 1).Value, " ", "")
                'MsgBox Row2
            End If
        Next I
        'MsgBox XML2
        'MsgBox Row2
        XML2 = XML2 & "  " & Row2
        XML = XML2 & ">" & vbNewLine
        SheetLastRow = ActiveCell.Row
        SheetLastColumn = ActiveCell.Column
        For I = 11 To SheetLastRow
            Row = vbTab & "<BCE:Ctas "
            For J = 1 To SheetLastColumn
                ColumnName = Replace(ActiveSheet.Cells(10, J).Value, " ", "")
                If ColumnName = "SaldoIni" Or ColumnName = "Debe" Or ColumnName = "Haber" Or ColumnName = "SaldoFin" Then
                    'MsgBox ColumnValue
                    If ActiveSheet.Cells(I, J).Value = "" Or ActiveSheet.Cells(I, J).Value = "0" Then
                        ColumnValue = 0
                        'MsgBox ColumnValue
                        ActiveSheet.Cells(I, J).Value = Format(ActiveSheet.Cells(I, J).Value, "#,###")
                        ColumnValue = ActiveSheet.Cells(I, J).Value
                    End If
                    'Selection.NumberFormat = "#,###"
                    ColumnValue = ActiveSheet.Cells(I, J).Value
                End If
                Row = Row & ColumnName & "=" & Chr(34) & ColumnValue & Chr(34) & " "
            Next J
            Row = Row & "/>" & vbNewLine
            XML = XML & Row
        Next I
        XML = XML & "</BCE:Balanza>"
        fileSaveName = Application.GetSaveAsFilename(ActiveSheet.Name, fileFilter:="XML Files (*.xml), *.xml")
        Open fileSaveName For Output As #1
        Print #1, "<?xml version=" & Chr(34) & "1.0" & Chr(34) & " encoding=" & Chr(34) & "UTF-8" & Chr(34) & "?>"
        Print #1, XML
        Close #1
    End Sub
  5. Click File > Save.

    Save the file in your local folder and close Microsoft Visual Basic.

  6. Select the GenerateXML macro and click Run that appears on the Macros dialog box in Microsoft Excel.

  7. Save the XML file in your local folder.

  8. Open the XML file and verify the output.