Payment Process Profiles

A payment process profile is a setup entity that controls payment processing. The payment method and other invoice attributes drive the assignment of a payment process profile to each document payable.

You can assign a payment process profile to each document payable. This tells Oracle Payments how to handle invoices, promissory notes, payments, and payment files during each step of the payment process.

A payment process profile controls payment processing for the disbursement flow. It provides the blueprint to:

  • Link setups

  • Control usage

  • Specify payment formatting, printing, and transmission behavior

  • Control creation of payments and payment files

  • Automate report generation

To set up a payment process profile, in the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:

  • Offering: Financials

  • Functional Area: Payments

  • Task: Manage Payment Process Profiles

Then, on the Manage Payment Process Profiles page, click Create. The Create Payment Process Profile page appears.

Link Setups

Before you can set up a payment process profile, you must set up the following:

  • Payment formats

  • Payment system and its payment system account

  • Transmission configuration

Control Usage

You can set up a payment process profile used only with specific variables that appear on the Usage Rules tab:

  • Payment method

  • Disbursement bank account

  • Business unit

  • Currency

For example, you can configure a currency in the usage rules of a payment process profile. This is useful if the payment format associated with the payment process profile only allows this specific currency. Only the documents payable using this currency will use this payment process profile.

Specify Payment Formatting, Printing, and Transmission Behavior

In the header of the Create Payment Process Profile page, you can specify the following attributes:

  • Whether you use the payment process profile for electronic or printed payment processing

  • Payment file format for the payment process profile

  • Payment confirmation point

If you use the payment process profile for electronic payments, you select a payment system and enter details for the payment system account. This action allows Payments to electronically transmit files to the payment system.

If you use the payment process profile for printed payments, you don't require a payment system. However, you can optionally select a payment system and transmission details so that Payments can electronically transmit positive pay files to your bank.

Control Creation of Payments and Payment Files

On the Payment and Payment File tabs of the Create Payment Process Profile page, you can control the creation of payments and payment files by:

  • Grouping invoices into payments

  • Grouping payments into payment files

On the Payment tab, an attribute might have an enabled grouping rule. This means that two documents payable that share the same value for an attribute are grouped into the same payment. If values are different, the documents payable are in separate payments. A disabled grouping rule for an attribute means that the attribute won't apply when documents payable are built into payments.

On the Payment File tab, you specify payment grouping rules that determine which attributes are considered when grouping payments into payment files.

Additionally, you can specify the following.

  • Batch booking: One debit entry is posted for a group, rather than for each credit transaction

  • Overrides: If you select an override option, the payment file contains the service level and delivery channel combination you select, rather than those specified in supplier setup. If you don't select any override options, the payment file can contain multiple combinations.

  • Payment limits: Limit for the number of payments in a payment file

  • Payment sorting: Payments within a payment file are ordered as specified, which also determines the ordering of payments in the payment file register

  • Bank instructions: Text that you want to include in all payment files created using this payment process profile

  • Periodic sequences in format: Sequential numbering of payment files according to a payment system or bank's requirements.

Automate Report Generation

On the Reporting tab, you can specify whether you want to automatically generate the following reports:

  • Payment file register

  • Positive pay

  • Separate remittance advice