
Validate tax registration numbers as per Chile's validation rule. All businesses in Chile are assigned a 13 -digit global unique identifier called Chile VAT.

Ensure that the following details are correct for Chile VAT:

  • Country Code: CL

  • Validation Type: ORA_CL_VAT

  • Description: Chile VAT

  • Number of digits: 13

  • Format: Only numeric characters

  • Check digits: Yes, 13th digit (Last digit)

  • Check Digit Validation: Coefficient -765432765432, Modulo 11

    Check Digit - If 11 - reminder = 10, then result is K

    Check Digit - If 11 - reminder = 11, then result is 0

    When you enter a number that is less than 13 digits, the number is automatically prefixed with zeros to make it a 13 digit number and then the validation logic is performed.

  • Default Validation: ORA_CL_VAT



  • 202100015


  • 123456789454545 (Invalid format - too long)