
Here are the details to validate tax registration numbers as per Colombia's validation rules:

Country Code: CO



No of Digits


Check Digit

Check Digit Validation

Default Validation

Example TRN No


Merchant for Colombia

16 or less

Numeric characters only


No Check Digit Validation


Legal Entity for Colombia

16 or less

Numeric characters only

Yes, last digit

11- Modulo 11

(71*N(1)+67*N(2)+59*N(3)+53*N(4)+47*N(5)+43*N(6)+41*N(7)+37*N(8)+29*N(9)+23*N(10)+19*N(11)+17*N(12)+13*N(13)+7*N(14)+3*N(15) )


Individual for Colombia

14 or less

Numeric characters only


No Check Digit Validation

Good: 80421487


Bad: 9005240020A3456 (Characters not allowed)

12345678945454567 (Invalid format, too long)


Foreign Entity for Colombia

16 or less

Numeric characters only

Yes, last digit

11- Modulo 11

(71*N(1)+67*N(2)+59*N(3)+53*N(4)+47*N(5)+43*N(6)+41*N(7)+37*N(8)+29*N(9)+23*N(10)+19*N(11)+17*N(12)+13*N(13)+7*N(14)+3*N(15) )

Good: 80421487, 80012737942

Bad: 9005240020A3456 (Characters not allowed), 12345678945454567 (Invalid Format - too long)



16 or less

Numeric characters only

Yes, last digit

11- Modulo 11

(71*N(1)+67*N(2)+59*N(3)+53*N(4)+47*N(5)+43*N(6)+41*N(7)+37*N(8)+29*N(9)+23*N(10)+19*N(11)+17*N(12)+13*N(13)+7*N(14)+3*N(15) )


Colombia NIT

16 or less

Numeric characters only. Prefix 0 if the number of digits is less than 15.

Yes, last digit

  1. Each number of the NIT is multiplied starting from right to left, with a sequence starting from 3, then 7, then 13, then 17, then 19, then 23, then 29, then 37, then 41, then 43, then 47, then 53, then 59, then 67, and finally 71.

    So, for the NIT number 890321567, each number is to be multiplied by 41; 37; 29; 23; 19; 17; 13; 7; 3.

  2. Then sum all the results..

    For the NIT number 890321567: (8*41) + (9*37) + (0*29) + (3*23) + (2*19) + (1*17) + (5*13) + (6*7) + (7*3) = 913.

  3. Later the result must be divided by 11 (the Module).

    For the NIT number 890321567: 913 / 11 = 83 integers and 0 remainders.

  4. After the division, if the remainder is equal to 0 or 1, no more actions are required; otherwise, the remaining must be subtracted by 11 (11 - remaining of the division), resulting in the following Validation Digit (VD):

    • If the remainder = 0 then the VD is 0;

    • If the remainder = 1 then the VD is 1;

    • Else the VD = (11 - remainder).

In our example, the VD for NIT 890321567 is 0.

Good: 8903215670

900517231-(0*71) +(0*67) + (0*59) + (0*53) + (0*47) + (0*43) + (9*41) + (0*37) + + (0*29) + (5*23) + (1*19) + (7*17) + (2*13) + (3*7) + (1*3) = 672

672 / 11 = 61 integer 1 remainder

In this example, the VD for NIT 900517231 is 1.

  • Example A: NIT 900517231

    (9*41) + (0*37) + (0*29) + (5*23) + (1*19) + (7*17) + (2*13) + (3*7) + (1*3) =672

    672 / 11 = 61 integer 1 remainder

    In this example, the VD for NIT 900517231 is 1.

  • Example B: NIT 900524002

    (0*71) + (0*67) + (0*59) + (0*53) + (0*47) + (0*43) + (9*41) + (0*37) + (0*29) + (5*23) + (2*19) + (4*17) + (0*13) + (0*7) + (2*3) = 596

    596 / 11 = 54 integer 2 remainder

    VD = 11 - 2 = 9

    In this example, the VD for NIT 900524002 is 9.


AR1234567 (Invalid format, only numbers are allowed)

412615338 (Invalid check digit)


Foreign Business Unit Entity for Colombia with Foreign Origin

20 or less

No restrictions on characters


No Check Digit Validation


  • AR1234567