How Settlement Transaction Files Are Merged into One Settlement Batch

A settlement is a funds capture transaction that moves funds from the cardholder account or the bank account owner into the internal payee's account. Internal payees are your company's business units that receive payments from payers, such as customers, by credit card payments or

If your company has multiple divisions, each division is represented by a separate payment system account. A payment system account contains a relationship-specific value for each of the attributes required by the payment system. For example, your payment system may require a Submitter ID and Submitter Password to be included in any message sent to it. Each attribute is represented by a setting on the payment system account.

Settings That Affect Settlement Transaction Files

The values for the following payment system account settings on the Edit Payment System Accounts page affect the merger of settlement files into one batch:

  • Presenter's ID

  • Submitter's ID

If the values for the preceding payment system account settings are the same, settlement transactions are grouped into one settlement batch. This occurs even when the following payment system account settings have different values:

  • Division Number

  • Merchant Name

How Settlement Transaction Files Are Merged into One Settlement Batch

Processor payment systems accepts a daily limit of settlement batch files from deploying companies. Large companies may generate a large number of daily settlement batch files that exceed the payment system's limit. To counteract this constraint, Oracle Fusion Payments enables you to merge settlement transactions of different payment system accounts into a single settlement batch file.

Typically, separate settlement batch files are created for each payment system account. Whether you generate settlement batches manually from the Oracle Enterprise Scheduler submission page or automatically, they are based on a unique combination of the following:

  • Internal payee

  • Funds capture process profile

  • Payment system account