Process Received SHAAM Certificates File for Israel

You can use Process Received SHAAM Certificates File for Israel process to update the returned certificate and withholding tax exemption information.

The tax authority returns two files for SHAAM processing:

  • SHAAM.dat contains the details of validated supplier bookkeeping certificates and withholding tax exemptions.
  • SHAAMERROR.dat contains the error messages for records that couldn’t be validated.

Follow these steps:

  1. Create a Zip file by combining SHAAM.dat and SHAAMERROR.dat files for processing or process them individually.
  2. Upload the files to the server using the File Import and Export utility. Select fin/tax/import for the account.
  3. Submit the Load Interface File for Import process:
    • Import Process - Process Received SHAAM Certificates File for Israel.
    • Data File – The file name uploaded in the previous ste
  4. After successful completion of the file import, submit the Process Received SHAAM Certificates File for Israel.
  5. Select the Legal Entity used for the initial data extract.

What to do next

Bookkeeping Certificates

The bookkeeping certificates are recorded as Withholding Tax Registrations. The Start Date and the End Date represent the period of validity.
Note: Check for the tax registrations at the correct level - Third Party or Third-Party site.

Withholding Tax Exemptions

Withholding tax exemptions store the withholding tax rate to apply if the supplier has an exemption granted by the tax authority. A new withholding tax exemption with the relevant details is created each time an exemption is renewed during SHAAM file processing.